chapter 10

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Aiden's pov

I wake up to a loud bang. When I look around the only difference I see from the night before is Jacob now stuck in between that cool little mattress that comes out from beneath Amy's bed and Amy's bed. As he starts to struggle I realize that he must've fallen off the bed when he was asleep. "Awe someone still need there little racing car bed," I say before I can stop myself. He glares but says nothing. I laugh as he struggles grunting with effort every few seconds. To add to the already funny situation, Jacobs pushing sends Tyson rolling off the bed as well making it ten times more funny even though he only drops a few inches.

Noticing that everyone is getting up and usually is all going to want to go to the bathroom I take my chance and shoot out of the room. I love being a morning person. It aggravates people and I usually get to do everything first. Taking my time in the shower I hear banging on the door from Tyson. After another five minutes I get out and see Tyson staring at Amy. Drawing my eyebrows together in confusion I look at him and ask "What are you doing?"

"She didn't wake up to any of that. Me yelling or Jacob falling off the bed." he says this like its impossible and I laugh knowing I would be thinking the same thing if I hadn't stayed here before and tried to wake her up myself.

"Don't worry about it," Jacob says walking into the room. "She's slept threw everything imaginable. One of her foster families even gave her up just because they weren't able to wake her, and she was late to school a lot. They ended up calling 911 once cause they thought she was dead."

"Foster Family?" I ask. I thought Rick and Martha were at least related to her. She had gone to our school for a while and has always lived in Tennessee. I knew her parents were gone, but she doesn't seem like she has been in the system long if at all. It changes people from what I've heard, at least some people. Some people come out unharmed I guess. Jacobs eyes widen into saucer and he starts studdering.

" Please, Please don't tell her I told you. Its a really touchy subject for her and I have always kept the secret its just this place is one of the few times I let my mind go free, and I wasn't thinking. Please you cant tell anyone. Please." he says this frantically clasping his hands together and even getting down on his knees. His towel is barely staying on his hips so I look away form him. I do not want to be seeing that.

"Relax," Tyson says. "We're jerks but we're not totally heartless. " I want to add in my two cent but don't as I notice Amy start to turn and grown in her sleep. Jacob flings himself onto the bed squishing her into the covers. " Hey honey," He yells smile and sitting on her. " How did you sleep?"

"Good till idiots decided to start yelling," She snaps trying to cover her head from the sun streaming into her window. Jacobs face twist into one of nervousness, but then he smiles.

"We didn't wake you up. You'll sleep threw everything. We weren't even yelling at each other just trying to decide if we should go eat all the bacon in your fridge or not. " Jacob replies. It's actually a really good lie if you ask me, but I know he hates it. He hates having to lie to her, and I cant figure out what he see's in her. Maybe he's in love with her and doesn't want to scare her away. I should ask him.

"No you didn't wake me but by the way you tensed up you were obviously talking about something that I wouldn't like so spill."

"What type of twisted logic is that. If you wouldn't like it then why would you want to know." I try to be subtle about dragging her attention away from the topic at hand. One thing I've learned in the short time I've known Amy you cant get anything past her. She always seems to know what's going on. Like the first day we officially met and she let me stay in her room. She knew without me having to tell her.

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