Chapter 13

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Not edited and I also changed Hannahs name to Ria. Hannah was Amy's street racing name.

I sit in the drive way thinking about what just happened. How did we go from having a super fun night, to arguing, to her yelling something that seemed to imply that she has been threw some really bad things. I don't even know what we were arguing about. I think I may have insulted her by saying I didn't like her, but then that would mean that she likes me and I don't want that to happen.

This is why I don't like being in a relationship. You insult them and don't even know you did it then you have to go apologize for no reason at all. Why cant she be the like I thought she was. She's not suppose to like me she's suppose to hate me, but be nice anyway because that's the type girl she is.  Now i'm wondering I may be losing my mind because I basically just said that I wanted the girl I like to hate me.

My thoughts swirl in my head for another minute before I take a deep breath and don't think about it again. Amy and I are nothing but friends and we will fix this later. Right now I need to get home and sleep because I have a test in U.S. History tomorrow.

The next morning I wake to a pounding headache that wont go away even after a long hot shower and some Advil. I cant miss anymore school so I trudge to the kitchen for some breakfast where I find my dad sipping coffee already in a suit.

"Hey son you don't look so good. " I glare at him and say nothing as I pick threw my captain crunch. "Lets hope that you feel better by the end of tomorrow"

"Why by tomorrow? Why cant it be now?"

"Well it would be good if it is now, but it has to be gone tomorrow for your race. Its your last one so make it count. " With that he leaves for work and I bang my head on the table which in no way helps the headache that I am trying to nurse.

Throughout the day the headache get worse but I began to get use to it and am able to push it to the back of my mind until a new headache comes along, and that headache is Amy. Amy ignores me all day and I don't bother saying anything either. Justin ask what happened between us but I don't give him an answer. If Amy wants him to know then he will. I know she doesn't hide things from him unless its for a good reason. 

After school I get a text. All it says is, '8. Franklin rd. tn. come see the big race.' The text is sent to everyone that street races and it must be referring to me and Ria's race. They must've moved it to today. As I text all my friends I race to my car to get home and changed. As I walk to my car I notice Amy almost running to hers. When she see's me she slows and keeps talking on the phone. I fall into step behind her  as we walk threw the hallway to the back of the school where our cars are parked.

"Yea I just wanted you to know that I wont be coming into work."
"Yes, Jem I have a race and I promise to be careful."

She must not know I'm following her and I began to wonder who Jem is and where she works. I also want to know what she means by I have a race. I don't hear her say anything else because she's to far away and turns the opposite direction that I have to go.

Rushing into my house I yell at my dad from my room. "The race is tonight on Franklin rode if you want to come." With that I run out of the house without waiting for a reply. I pick up all the guy so that they are all cramped in the backseat with Tyson up front.

"Hey dude," Jared say. "You should invite Amy. Maybe if she sees you race she might finally realize her undying love for you."

"Shut up Jared you know I don't like her like that, and she hates racing anyway. She made that clear last night. " They go about talking as if I didn't say anything at all, and I tune them out trying to get in the right mind set.

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