Chapter 3

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I wake up to a cramp in my back and the blaring of an alarm. I leave it for a good five minutes but it doesn't shut up. Groggily sitting up I notice I'm not in my room. My first thought is I got drunk last night and had sex with a random girl, but that cant be what happened. I'm on the floor and I don't have the slightest hang over. That's when things start coming back to me. I turn of the alarm and wonder around the room for a minute. I need to think and quick. I guess I probably need to go home, shower, and change but I really don't want to.

Hearing a moan I turn around to the girl stretching. "Thank you for turning it off. I usually let it scream at me for at least thirty minutes. " I laugh at that and stretch.

"No problem. Thanks for letting me stay, and could you please not tell anyone?"

She snorts and says, "Trust me no one is going to know a thing. Do you want to shower first so I can sleep some more?" I'm shocked. Why is she being nice to me? Oh, I know she wants to watch me while I shower.

"No I don't want to watch you shower. I want to sleep. Towels are in the closet behind the door. Take clothes in there with you. Check the bottom drawer of the black dresser. There's shirts and sweat pant in there along with a few pair of guy jeans, but I doubt the jeans will fit. There should also be a new pair of boxers in there"

"Why do you have  guy clothes?" Its kinda freaky.

" I like to wear guys sweatpants and shirts sometimes, and my best friends a dude so he stays over a lot. Enough to keep his clothes here."

"Oh, okay."

"Make sure to wake me up after your done." After that she completely goes back to sleep. The guy jeans actually do fit my tall frame so I grab them. There dark and slim fit. I grab a white shirt that stretches across my abs and take a shower. After my short but hot shower I go to wake her up. This girls is impossible to wake up. I finally pick her up and carry her to the shower. When I put her down she slumps against the bath tub.

"Come on, get up and take a damn shower"

"No! you'll never take me alive." The fuck is she even talking about. She's worse then Tyson with a hangover and I thought that was bad. I decide to be mean and turn on the water. Splashing her in a face a few times should work. Of course I didn't think about her white t-shirt. She not wearing a bra and I quickly look away. I'm a guy yea, but I'm not going to disrespect a girl. Now, if she wants to do that herself then fine its her choice. Either way she doesn't wake up so I sit her in the bath tub with my eyes completely closed. "Fine I'm up, happy?!"

"Yes," I say and walk out. I throw on my black leather jacket and shoes. Now I need to go grab my motorcycle from my dads garage.

"Good luck with that," the girl says walking out of the bathroom in a cloud of smoke in nothing but a towel. I look at the curve of her legs and am dissapionted that towel is so big going to mid thigh. Her hair drips leaveing droplets of water on her neck and shoulder.  "Don't stare, and you didn't bring me any clothes so don't think i'm doing this to seduce you."

"Good luck with what?" I ask not in the mood to flirt or be annoying. I think I may be coming down with something.

"Getting your bike. If its in your dads garage and he's the one that kicked you out he most likely locked it up just to piss you off." Well, she's smart. "I'll drop you off a block away from the school. You'll have to walk from there. I ain't being seen with you. "

"Ain't?" You can defiantly tell she grew up in Tennessee

"Its a word," she defends

"Alright thank you, for everything. I don't know why you did it, and I hope you don't want anything back, but thank you."

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