chapter 9 Amy's pov

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Finding Jacob proved to be easy. He was sitting on the couch trying to stand but failing miserably. He's usually good about not getting to drunk so I know something's wrongs when I get to him, his breath smells of tequila which he never drinks, so I pull him up. I start lecturing him as soon as i'm out of hearing range of those girls. Every time he stumbles I feel it pull at the stitches on my side. Then he falls, and I cant stop it. What really set me off was when that slut Kristal comes outside. I cant believe that after she drugs him I am going to let her near him ever again. I knew tonight was a bad idea.

I smile to myself for finally telling her off but I don't get to enjoy it for long because Jacob start convulsing and I can tell he's seizing because a girl in school had a seizure once. I fall to my knees only able to think please don't die Jacob, please don't die. I cant let him die I tell myself and get him on his side. I don't know much about what to do, but I heard that people can choke on their own spit so I want to keep that from happening. I'm glad when I hear the ambulance. Getting in with him they tie him to the gurney, and he stops moving. He's awake but just barley. His skins a sickly green color and he is covered in sweet. Every few minutes he'll mumble then pass out. I keep ahold of his hand the hole way there until they take him into a room.

During this time I freak out, but finally I see a cop coming my way and calm down knowing that Jacob is in good hands know. As the cop gets near he smile sadly and says, "Miss I need to talk to you for a moment about what happened to your friend, are you up for it?"

"Of course I just want to call my parents and his."

"Its already been done. The two gentlemen that were with you were able to give us you and your friends name and we contacted them. They are on there way would you like them here while I question you Amy?"

"No i'm fine thanks for asking though. Do you need me to go threw the night events."

"Yes please."

I tell him everything from this morning to getting to the party and after that. I told him how Jacob had begged me to go because he was afraid of his girlfriend stalking him. I told him how his little witch cult follower have drugged me once but they hadn't done it to him. I told him he could find it in records. After that I continued on about how I had been attacked and how I had heard him talking to someone about money and making sure she doesn't get in the way, At the time I had passed that off as my imagination, but now it seems to be talking about keeping me out of way.

Once I finished with the hole story he gets a nurse to come in and check my side. They seem to believe the stiches were not needed but could be used and decided to keep them there till the cut healed. The doctor came out of the room after that and ask if I would be able to keep Jacob in bed since they don't want to have to tie him down.

I laugh and walk in the room to find a nurse pushing Jacob back to the bed. He just sit up again and try's to stand before falling on his face. I laugh and he sits up laughing with me then he grabs his head. "My head hurts. Make it start."

"It'll stop if you dont get out of bed."

"How?" he ask grawling into the bed and covering up like a child. 

"You wont fall on your face. I'm sure that helps."

"Okay," He says in the voice of a child. After that the doctor come back in to check on him then leaves walking down the hall. I refused to let him pass till he's told me that Jacob was okay then I let him walk to the waiting room where I see all of our parents including Tyson and Aiden. 

As the doctor tells everyone what is going on I zone out. Thinking of ways to murder that turd for drugging my best friend. Only when they start discussing why I cant go in and stay with Jacob do I zone back in and what I hear disgust me.

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