4. Father dearest

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4. Father dearest

I didn't wake up till noon, I knew as soon as I woke I should ring Penny; she would of seen the fight and would of wanted to make sure I was okay. I rolled over and berried my face into the pillow groaning softly, I felt like shit...My eye was throbbing and my finger stiff and as I pushed myself up, I whimpered.

I also knew Travis would be at work by now, and I wouldn't have to deal with him until later, at least.

"ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow" I moaned as I went down the step, complaining on every step. Shuffling into the Living room, I saw Marcus by the T.V sitting on the floor cross legged- he was such a child sometimes- He rapidly pressed buttons on the Xbox controller, his tongue sticking out the corner of his mouth

"Morning," He said flatly, but I didn't expect anything less, he was playing his game after all

"hey" I grunted in returned, looking at the screen. He was playing GTA5, I shook my head and watched as his character pulled a person out of a car, beat him up and drive off in the car

After a few minutes of doing nothing in particular, I grabbed my phone from the coffee table were I left it and unlocked it. apparently I had four texts 

Penny: are you okay?! I seen the fight last night? ring me? love ya x

amy: u should of come with 2 fight last nite, Ginger beat up fist dude then ran out the area, penny was cringing all the way through tho x 

Blake: he babe, just thought I'd check if you were okay, got to have you healthy for my lessons ;)

dad: should be coming home at 6, tell Marcus I said hey, love you both 

lie, lie, lie he does no love us "dads coming back at six, apparently" I said aloud to Marcus 

he grunted in reply, but then again, I didn't really expect anything less from him, he was engrossed in the game and if I said anything right now, he'd be clueless, so with a small chuckled at his glossy eyes and thoughtful face, I pulled myself up to get some well deserved breakfast

The smell of bacon filled my noes as the steam and smoke filled our little kitchen, I know I should probably go to Penny soon, but my bacon was worth more, it was calling out my name... I was hungry. I grabbed two cobs and covered them in brown sauce and added the bacon and eggs.

What can I say? A girls gotta eat. I smiled to myself as I trotted back upstairs, still trying to ignore the pain it sent my bones every time I moved, huh, I really do need to stop complaining...

After scarfing down the bacon butties, I changed into some clean clothes, one that didn't smell of sweat, or covered in bits of blood. A pair of ripped- black skinny jeans and a light blue top with the words 'fuck it! I'll be a millionair' , some blue converse and a snap back had me set and ready to go. 

when I went back down stairs, about an hour later, Marcus was still in the living room engrossed in the same game, I faintly heard him talk to someone through the ear piece "Up here mate!" I shook my head, how could he be up at this time? Don't get me wrong, give me the remote and I'll be in the same situation...but It's so early, even I wouldn't bother at this time in the morning, I mean it's... shit 1pm, okay, so maybe I slept longer than I thought...

I grabbed my phone, keys and jacket before slamming the door shut behind me, not, however, before yelling a "see ya!" to my ever so observant brother

It was warm as my feet padded down the steps and onto our little street, there was children of all races hanging around the corners, My hands found themselves wrist deep in my pockets and my back automatically hunched over slightly, I was know for being quite aggressive around here... When I was younger I started many fights and made myself well known, who would of know little ol' Myra would of turned out like this. My dad definitely didn't have a clue

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