8. Running

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8. Running

My heart skipped a beat as me and Blake started talking, like normal people, after he had kissed me at my house. We was getting closer and I didn't know how much longer it will take for me to cave. To actually go out with him. I mean- I was only a few hours after that and he had asked me out another two times in hopes I'll change my mind and I told him the same thing both times

"I don't know... Maybe we should get to know each other first" because the truth was, I wanted to know him before I agreed to go out with him- we knew nothing about each other but we've kissed quite a few times...

He pouted after I refused him for the third time, giving him the same answer "babe, your killing me" he said faking hurt with his hand over his heart

I smirked and shook my head, trying not to laugh at his antics "well looks like your just going to have to hurt, aren't you"

He paused, his eyes looking over my face before he spoke "Wow. Harsh much?"

"well I do beat people up for a living" I reminded him while looking out the corner of my eye.

We was on the sofa in the living room, lying across it with smiles on our faces with two plates on the floor by our feet. I had made us dinner - lasagne- which we both quickly devoured. But hey! In our defence, we had been training earlier and before that I was at school.  

"anyway," he dismissed our discussion with a massive smirk on his face "favourite colour?" he asked

I smiled at how fast he changed topic, but answer the question nevertheless "Purple, you?"

"it was Blue, but it's now orange"

"orange?" I questioned with a frown. He just lifted a lock of my hair and moved it in my line of vision. My eyes widened when I first realized, but I soon smirked "so cocky..." I breathed, making sure that my breathe fanned over his face.

His eyes darted to my lips and he soon started to lean in. Our lips moulded together and I couldn't help the moan that escaped me, I blushed furiously, but kept Blake at my lips as it slowly disappeared.


Blood ran down my noes and into my mouth, the metallic taste flooded my tongue. My eyes were watering and my ribs hurt causing even to breath hard. I was dizzy and lightheaded and couldn't make out what was happening, it all happened so fast. One minute I was tidying the kitchen the next on the floor with someone pinning me down.

"Marcus isn't here to save you now, sweetheart" He sneered lowly in my ear. But that wasn't what feared me, what did is that I didn't smell any alcohol on his breath. Well, shit; he was sober.

I was forced on my belly on the floor, my face pressed up against the cold wooden flooring with my breath catching slightly and a lump forming in my throat. God I was so scared! My hands were pinned above me head by one of his massive ones, also pressed- forcefully- against the floor and I had his knee pressed in the middle of my shoulder blades keeping me there. I also noticed that he had pulled up the top I was wearing, showing off my lower back to him and letting him see all the scares.

See Travis wasn't stupid, he kept the scars on my back or stomach so people didn't notice them much. Clever fucker.

In my line of vision, I saw something shine in the light and It took me a moment to realise that it was the knife I used earlier and forgot to put away. Slowly, almost tortuous, he pressed the side of the blade onto my back making me feel the coolness of the metal on my bare skin.  I shivered under it touch making Travis laugh evilly.

After a moment he drew the knife back taking the tip of the blade and dragging it over my back, cutting my skin. I tried not to cry out, I knew it'll be worse if I do, but I couldn't help it- I screamed like I've never screamed before. My body thrashing in the grip he'd gotten me in and kicking my legs wildly hoping to hit him, though even I knew it wouldn't happen.

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