16. His return

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16. His return

Franks foot-steps followed me down the hall, his heavy thuds covering my soft footing. How Ironic, today was supposed to be tha day I was all bad ass and now- now he was here to ruin it, how come he alway ruins it!

I was at the Medical room before I knew it, and Frank knocked on the door for me, probaly not being able to wait any longer.

Reluctantly, I walked in after that and told Kath, our medical adviser, what had happened. Leaving out that we planned it, of course, and about Frank showing up and ruining it. I told her slowly, trying to drag it out as long as possible just so I don't have to be alone with Frank- anything so we don't end up alone.

But soon enough, she told me get to class and I was forced to leave the comfort of her warm office to the scorching cold eyes that I loath more than Travis Clay. He held a smug smile, obviously happy that I had gone to him and stopped in front, bowing my head slightly- but not in respect, in fear.

Before I even knew what was happening, Frank had managed to put duct tape over my mouth and gripped my hair pulling me along the floor as he strode. I did not scream, just thrash in his grip. I did not yell, just tugged at his hand feeling the strain and agony. I did not whimper, just let myself being dragged away to god noes where.

Though I soon found the destination; a van that was in the back car park- a car park that no one used because of the druggies and thieves around here. It was his van- a white one to add to the irony and cliche's- He pulled open the door at the back and pushed my inside.

I looked over to him in fear as he climbed in and shut the doors behind him leaving me alone with him. My eyes was glowing with fear now, watery and dry at the same time, I was trembling. The worst part of it; no one could save me, Blake was unconcious, Marcus was at home and no one else knew of my problems, my damage.

"well, well, well." he said his voice low and threatening "heard Travis had another bash to you the other night. Can't say I'm suprised..." he sighed and trailed off

I whimpered now, now that no one could see us, now that it was just me and him, now that I was powerless, I let the fear consume me.

He chuckled at my reaction before crouching down in front of me, grabbing my chin and stroking my cheek with his thumb "you look so dam hot when your scared" he purred pushing me down to lie down.

I tried to resist- honest!- but he was stronger, not becaue he was stronger than me, but because he was hyped with so many steriods right now, just to control me- why he had this facination with me I wasn't sure- but he eventually came back for more.

I thrashed around, kicked and punched but to no avail. My screams were muffled and my hits did nothing to get him off me. He just laughed- how a man could be so creul and ruthless was beyond me. How he could do this to a child of fifteen no less. Oh God...

I pressed my body closer to the floor, my nails trying to dig into the metal flooring. He sat over my waist and pinned my hands obove my head- much like Blake did in the fight we just had "I've been watching you" he said, his face close to mine and I could see the lust build up in his eyes

I shivered in disgust, but he must of took it the other way as he pressed his body closer to mine "and I've noticed that your so grown up now, Miss bad ass at school and Miss punch bag at home- everybody's happy right?" he face then changed to a dangerous dark tone "No, see, what about me? I've bee in your life as much as Travis but where am I in your little plan?"

I tried to cry out for help, but the tape was muffling my screams. Tears were falling down my cheeks and I gladly let them

"I deserve as much as they do- I am your first, your only" he continued harshly, he kissed my forehead and I screamed again, the tears coming down faster - I knew where this was leading

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