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Your Not Welcomed


I opened the door to walk out the apartment when I heard my name get called. I turned around already irritated. "What now Liam!?" He gestured his head for me to go back into the room where the were. "No Liam! I'm leaving!"

He took my arm and pulled me back gently. "Please Taylor. For me." I couldn't say no to Liam. He always was the sane one out of the group.

I followed him into the room and I was welcomed by Lou rubbing Harry's back in circles and Harry sobbing loudly into a pillow. "Ahem." Liam cleared his throat.

"All. I. Want. To. Do. Is. Spend. Time. With. My. Daughter." He manage to say between sobs.

I held Ema out for Liam to take and he gladly accepted. He brought her into the other bedroom , not the living room.


"but she's my dau-" "OH MY GOD HARRY! I'm tired of you saying that! Just because your biological father doesnt mean shit! Anybody can be called a father but not everyone can be a father!"

"but. I. Had. Every. Right. So. See. Her!" Ugh.

"What are you not understanding Harry!? You have no right over her! So you basically kidnapped her! After what you did to her. And to us. You should be happy I even let you see her! You left us with 300$ to fin for ourself! That's not right." I looked him up and down in disgust.

He threw the now soaked pillow behind him and stood up.

"So, it's not right for you to beat the shit out of Morgan because she wanted to be in Emas life?"

"You can't just do whatever you want Harry! She's in my costidy and you have to have permission from me to do any of that shit! And you know what she told Ema!? She told her that she's her new fucking mother! That bitch will-"

"don't call Morgan a bitch."

"That bitch" I said emphasizing bitch. "Say it again." Now he was in my face.

"THAT. BITCH" he moved back controlling his anger!

"You know your the bitch! Your the one that got fucking pregnant and decided to keep it! I got a bitch pregnant! You should have just got an abortion so I wouldn't have to be dealing with this bullshit right now."

I wanted to cry. But instead ... I bitch slapped him. Like This.

louis tried tried to hold me back but I slapped him away from me. "Don't you dare touch me! The reason why were in this situation is all your fault! If only you just kept your mouth shut and didn't tell Harry we would be in this postion." I spat at Louis.

I love Lou but he was wrong to the highest point for telling Harry any of this.

I turned my attention back to Harry.

"you know what? I'm happy I didn't get an abortion because that little angel sitting in that room right now is the only piece I have of you that never changed. The you I used to know would have never said that to me! Nor his fucking. Daughter. I can't believe you would say that!! She's the best thing that ever happen to me and should be the best thing that happen to you." I was in tears by the time I finished my lecture.

"I spit on dirty pricks like you." I said to him in disgusted.

i walked out the room and say Ema on Liam's lap giggling. Just her smile made me happy. "Okay Ema. Time to go home angel. Say goodbye?" I picked her up and she waved by to Liam.

I decided to not let Harry say goodbye since he wanted me to get an abortion anyways... Which would have made our life easier he says.

I walk out the apartment finally free and Ema taps me. "Yes baby?"

"Where dada?" Think Taylor .....

"he's going away. For a long time." I kissed her temple


Wow... Kind of a rush but It was like a part 2 or 3 of the chapters I just made... anyways .. Y'all know !

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