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Your Not Welcomed


Harry: how much money do you need Morgan?

Morgan: just like a couple thousand... There's these new red bottoms I really want.

Harry: and you don't have enough money to buy them?

Morgan: baby... My jobs only paying me half of what I usually get paid.

Harry: and that's not enough?

Morgan: can you just mail me the damn money!? I need it

harry: yeah okay. Bye

~ end call

I'm tired or Morgan always asking me for money. Can't she handle her own?

Taylor does.

I sit down on the couch and cut the tv off. I just wanted silence. I never get it when the boys are here. I lay my head back on the couch and just remember .... Me and Taylor.

~ flashback

we walked into the hotel and my arms were getting weighed down from carrying all these bags. We were here for a class trip. Me and Taylor walk to the main desk. "Hello how may I help you?" I let Taylor speak since I was never good with doing that. "We have a room reserved." "Last name please." She looked at me and I looked at her. "Styles." She looked up at us after typing it into the computer. "And you two are married?" I decided to talk now. "Yeah we are." "How long have you two been married?" She said with her full attention toward us. "For a couple months now." She pulled her glasses onto her face. "How old are you two." She said pointing to the both of us. "18 and 19 mam." Taylor said. She was always a good lair, but I always knew when she was. She could never hide it from me. The woman at the desk laughed sarcastically. "Here is the card to room 213." We thanked her and started to walk away when she called us back. "Yes?" Taylor said. She walked over to us ignoring the other people that were behind us in line. "I usually despise young married couples, but I see something in the two of you." She said to me and Taylor. "And what is that mam?" Taylor said smiling. "Love."

~end of flashback

god I miss that girl.

my phone buzzed. MESSAGE! all my hopes were for Taylor. At least telling me "fuck off." Or "I don't care" anything! But to my luck it wasn't her.

Morgan: did you send my money yet!? I waiting

harry: they said it couldn't send baby. Sorry

I love Morgan, I really so but I'm tired of her asking me for money all the goddamn time.

morgan: ugh! You can't just do this one thing for me? Thanks a lot

harry: sorry baby.

(Taylor's POV)

"okay Rashon........ Yeah I know.......... Bye." I hang up my phone and drop it back in my pocket. I looked around to see if my boss noticed I was on the phone since he never lets up talk during work hours. But to my luck ... He wasn't. My coworker was.

I gave a small smile since she was staring at me like crazy. I looked down at my phone to make it look like I was busy.. You ever get that awkward feeling when someone's staring at you and you don't know what to do, so you look like your doing something and keep glancing at them to see if they're still staring? Yeah that's what I'm doing.

I look up at were the girl was standing and she was ... Gone. I just shrugged it off.

"Hello how may I help you today?" I watch as the handsome man looks up at the menu. Damn he was cute.

"I'll have the bold caramel coffee please." Even his voice was cute. I put his order into the computer. "Your total will be $2.23 and your drink will be ready shortly." I went to walk away when he called out Ms. I looked back and he was talking to me.

"Yes sir?" I say. "Your names Taylor?" I looked down at my name tag. "We'll that's what my name tag says so... Yeah I guess my name is Taylor." He laughed.

God his laugh was cute too.

"I just wanted to tell you that was a beautiful name. My names Terrell by the way." He held his hand out for me to take. I gladly accepted. "We'll hi Terrell." I gave him a genuine smile.

"Hi Taylor." I walk away to make his drink. I come back for his drink and he's just looking at me. Not in a bad way but looked like he was studying me. "We'll, here you go Terrell. Enjoy."

"I'll enjoy it more if you would go on a date with me Friday night." I looked back at him ... Shocked. "Is Mr. Terrell asking me on a date?" He looks down at his shirt. "We'll that's what it says on my name tag so ... Yeah I guess I am asking you on a date."

I like him.

I held my hand out and blushed. He handed me his phone and I put my number in his contacts. "Here you go... Terrelll." I said handing his phone back to him.

"Thank you Taylor. Have a good day." And he left with a gorgeous smile on his face.

I have a guilt feeling in my stomach. Not because I'm cheating on Rashon, I'm not even with him. But the fact of this feeling I have when I think about Terrell. I only had this feeling once before .....

for Harry.

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