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Your Not Welcomed


I keep moving on the paper of the doctors office. It makes so much noise. My finger kept pulling off little scraps of paper because I was just so bored.

I looked over to where Rashon was sitting. Ema was in his arms sound asleep. She looked exactly like Harry when I would just be so fascinated by him sleeping. I hear the handle of the door move and see the door open. There stands a tall man with a white lab coat on.

"Hello Mrs...." He looks through his papers attached to his clipboard. "Mrs. Keith. How are you feeling this evening?"

"to be honest... I feel like shit. Not physical, but emotionally. Well both, but mostly emotionally." He puts his hands in the blue gloves. He moved his hand to my left arm which was all bruised. He made his way to my other arm then my face.

He examined me. "I see.... Care to tell me what happen to cause you to have a massive amount a bruises and a busted lip?"

I wanted to be honest but I wasn't gonna just say it. "Yeah I actually got into a physical fight with my ex boyfriend who is also my baby fathers , girlfriend. Which is Harry styles." Nope.

I wasn't going to say that. "I actually got into a minor car crash. Nothing serious, just a little car crash."

He looked over his clipboard full of papers. "There's no such thing as just a little car crash." He chucked.

"yeah.. I meant my car got beat up pretty bad and the airbag hit me but it wasn't anything serious." He took a glance up at me then returned looking over his papers.

"Okay. I will be back in a few to tell you if you fractured or sprained anything." I nodded my head and he left out the room. Immediately after the doctor left my attention turned to Rashon .

"Soo, Taylor? How long did it take you to think of that little save?" He smirked. "Oh well, not long. I wasn't going to tell him what really did happen."

"What really did happen. Taylor?" All the memories from this evening passed through my mind. I remember it like it happen yesterday ... Well it did but I can remember every single thing that happen.

"I went to the Hotel and saw Ema yell daddy. It was impossible for her to know that Harry was her father because I know for a fact that I never told her. So when I entered the kitchen were Harry and ema was, Morgan tapped my shoulder and punched me. I fell to the ground and then got back up and punched Morgan... To make a long story short, she got her hits but I beat that bitches ass ask anybody! And then me and Harry started to argue and then Harry brought up that he thinks that I should have just got an abortion because we wouldn't have been in that situation. And I sla-"

"okay Mrs. Keith," I mouthed to Rashon I would tell him later. "you have a fractured arm, broken nose and a couple of your ribs are broken. I suggest you rest in bed for a few days because if you don't your injuries could get worse and be a lot more painful." "Thank you doctor." I said giving him a warm smile. "No problem, just don't get into anymore not serious car accidents okay?" He chuckled. "I'll make sure I won't."


I ride back to my apartment was pretty silent. I had a lot on my mind. And when I say a lot .. I mean a lot!!

I got out the car and grabbed Ema out her car seat. Her arms automatically went around my neck. I peeped through the rolled down window on the passenger side.

"You know you can come in if you want." I watched as Rashon hopped out the car. We walked up to my apartment and Rashon went into the kitchen. I went to put Ema to bed.

I tucked her under the covers and made sure she was arm. My little angel was so beautiful. It was like watching sleeping beauty... Sleep. I kissed her forehead and walked into the living room.

I scanned the room and sat on the couch putting on a movie. I didn't know what movie it was, it was just on when I turned on the tv.

I looked up and saw Rashon standing in the doorway with 2 glasses and a liquor bottle. I wasn't big drinker, but I kept it just in case.

I watched as Rashon laid the glasses on the table and popped open the bottle. He poured some in one cup I stopped him before he could pour some in the other. "I'm not drinking Rashon."

"No Taylor. You been through a lot and I could see you very tensed. One drink won't hurt." He began to pour some in my cup.

In started biting my lip debating on if I should just stop him or drink. I mean like Rashon said, one drink won't hurt.

He held his glass and handed me mine. "Cheers? To Taylor being a strong woman." We clicked our glasses together and I took the drink. To the head.

*** couple drinks later.

I couldn't feel my injuries anymore. I felt fine ... Actually

"Rashon..." I slurred. "Yeah Tay?" I could see by the look in his eyes that he hasn't drunk much. He was only on his second drink.

"I'm stressed." I pouted my face and gave doggy eyes. "Hold on." Rashon got up and ran to the bathroom.


I took another sip of my drink which was gone by now and layer back against the couch.. Waiting for Rashon to return.

My eyes were started to get heavy until the felt the couch sink. My eye opened to find Rashon with a bottle of baby oil in his hands. "Lay on your stomach babe." I didn't hesitant. I did was I was told.

"Take off you shirt." He demanded. I didn't that took but kept my bra on. I was on my stomach and I felt Rashon unhook my bra. I started to move around.

"Relax Taylor. I'm just unhooking it because I don't want to get oil on your nice bra." I calmed down.

I felt the oil being poured on my back moving around in a circular motion. I then felt Rashon strong hands move around caressing every inch of my back with oil. "Ah baby, your so tensed."

He was right. I have been through a lot lately.. With Harry and losing my job.

He moved his hands up to my shoulders , massaging them very smoothly and delicately like I was a flower.

"Turn around." He demanded me. I quickly turned around and keep my arm on my bra to cover my boobs since it was unhooked. "Uh uh. You don't need this, and don't be scared, I'm not going to try anything."

He moved my arms away from my bra and pulled it off.

I felt too exposed. I haven't been this exposed to a man since the last time me and Harry did it. 3 years ago!

"Relax baby." I watched intensively as he poured the oil into the palm of his hand and spread it along the top half of my chest. He cupped my boobs in his large hands and massaged them. I let out a small moan.

What? It felt good.

He stopped with the oil and straddled me. He kissed my lips, jawline, neck, collar bone. All the may down to my Belly button. Not missing an inch of skin.

My body was aching for his touch. I haven't felt this way in a while so it was kind of new to me again.

I guess he could sense my body feening for his touch since her moved his lips to my ear. "If you want me, tell me." He licks behind my ear which sent shocks through my body.

I was debating if I should or not. I haven't done anything in years so, I was feeling like a virgin again.

He was getting inpatient of my hesitance that he pushed himself against my area which made me let out a louder moan.

"Say its baby. Your wish is my command."

He pushed himself into me once again but harder. I couldn't hit this feeling anymore. My body wanted him. My body needed him. I roughly pushed his body toward mine.

"I want you. Now "


Whoaaa... Didn't expect that huh? Well... Tell me what you think..

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