Message To My Lovers.

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This life is beautiful, admire it.
It a blessing, cherish it.
It's a gift, appreciate it.
It's another chance, let's make good use of it.
It's a paradise for the dreamers.
A bed of roses for the lazy once .
It's may turn it beauty face to the opposite at times but we can still fight it . We can! If we will!.
Every thing it's possible will the Allah's grace and human effort.
It's just that most humans don't give prayers more time and concentration.
Lets always look up to him and by his grace you will never be disappointed.
It's just a matter of time.
Don't forget, every disappointment is a blessing.

I love you all
And am grateful to you guys, for those that voted for this novel, thank you so much and I promise to be surprising you with heart bumping chapters.

Please before reading the next chapter play this song by Banky W titled Made for you, that's for those that have it, i assure you that you will definitely enjoy it.

Kisses from my heart to you reading this right now you are handsome and beautiful in every grace
You are lovely and caring.
Nice and charming

Thanks once more.
Eh no easy my people make una continue dey vote for me.
Follow, follow, and follow.

The next Chap is own his way.

Lina remains loyal.

Sorry for disappointing you,its just the authors note,
Lets meet in the next chapter,Are you ready for the trip?

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