The Get Together.

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******** *****Aysha👆***************

"Aysha   please close my closet, I don't even know what you are looking for, you are disarranging my stuffs you know"  I yelled.

"chill, am almost done " she said.

" suhailat calm down, you know  that Cousin  if yours is cray cray. " fariha said

"I heard that " Aysha screamed.

" you cloths is over here , what the he'll are you looking for   " fariha snapped.

" will you stop overreacting , come see what I found, ahhhhhhhhh" Aysha  screamed.

Fariha stood up and walked to her in a gossip manner . All I could hear
was their gossip voice giggling around.

"Fariha what is she talking about?  I asked impatiently.

"This is what I will like to call evidence for the first time "Aysha teased while showcasing my sky blue sexy  night dress.

" what's that "I yelled.

" or this " Fariha said and showing another one, the craziest red one! .

" or this too " Aysha showed another one the turquoise blue type.

" Stop it " I snapped.

" this looks babish " who bought this?  Aysha said in disgust, giving it the pink tight shorts and it's vex a deadly glare.

" oh please, Aysha stop it  what's wrong with it? I bought it personally for my best friend" Fariha said sweetly

"be sincere, would you wear this on your magical nights? " Aysha asked fariha as she held it  in disgust .

" Aysha what's wrong with it? " Fariha asked

" eeew, it's looks like 5 years old girl bikini , is not suitable at all "  Aysha teased and Fariha hissed.

" I still appreciate it madam, at least she tried, how about you? " I teased Aysha too.

" there you again, taunting me again and again for not attending your wedding " Aysha muttered and rolled her eyes.

" don't change the topic "fariha laughed whiling eyeing  Aysha.

Aysha walked quietly to towards her channel's handbag with a cold shoulder, pretending to be angry

" come on Aysha, suhailat was just joking " fariha said

" like seriously A'ee (Aysha) are you angry? I asked.

"Tanaa....  "Aysha screamed as she brings  out something from her hand bag, I knew it, she is not angry.

" this is my special gift, I wanted
you to wear it for the first time, you know for the first thing, oh my! can't wait for my own wedding night "she screamed demonstrating some silly moves

" how was the first time? " fariha asked

" yeah tell us "Aysha chirped.

" we are all ladies, you will definitely get your answer on your wedding night " I uttered.

" you are very dry " Aysha yelled playfully.

" so what's that? I asked and grabbed the attractive nylon she is holding.

"oh my goodness!!!  You are so disgusting, but I love this " I exclaimed and hugged her.

" Do you like it?  Aysha asked

"of course it cool  but disgusting" I threw it on her face.

"by the time you are through with sudais, he would be asking for more " she wined.

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