5. on the move

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Gillian took Moore to the interrogation room

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Gillian took Moore to the interrogation room. On their way, she noticed the detective kept shaking her head slightly, fighting back a smile.

"What is it?"

"He's gonna hate me for this. Well, hate me a little more."

Gillian narrowed her eyes. "Would he get back at you?"

"Sure as hell he'll do his best."

"Then let's get you a headline. Petty paybacks are easier to take when you're popular."

"That's how you do it?"

"That's what I used to do. Lucky me, I don't need it anymore."

Fred showed out of a small office then, his face a mask of horror. "Reg, please, help me," he begged.

Gillian and Moore changed their course to follow him in. "What is it, Fred?"

He pointed a desperate finger at the desk. Both women frowned.

"The pizza box tried to kill you?" asked Gillian, holding back her laughter.

"That damn thing has too many folds! I just can't put it together!"

Moore flashed an understanding smile and waved for him to take a look as she folded the box in five moves. Fred faced her in awe. Gillian chuckled. Fred could assemble his M16 in under a minute, blindfolded and single-handed; yet he couldn't apply that skill to a piece of cardboard.

Moore examined the double layer on the inside of the box cover, which hid a square gap at its center. "What's this?"

"Here's where we're gonna hide the temporized sprayer to let out the gas," Fred replied.

"Won't they notice?"

"The gas is odorless and colorless."

"How long till it works?"

"Fifteen minutes tops."

Ron came in then with the sprayer. He tried how it fit in the hidden gap. "Frigging perfect," he said, satisfied.

Hurried steps down the hall made them turn around to the door. Aldana popped in her head, dead serious. "They're getting ready to go out," she said.

"Out like, leaving?" asked Gillian.

"Don't think so. Looks like they're about to have some fun. All of them have handguns, some grabbed iron knuckles and bats, but no bags."

Gillian and Moore traded a look. "The rally," they said at the same time.

"Shouldn't we try to catch them?" asked Moore.

Gillian shook her head. "We cannot risk a confrontation in a crowded park."

"Aren't we gonna do anything?" asked Aldana, ready to argue.

"Sure we are. We're gonna use their ride to evacuate the surrounding houses and take position." Gillian turned to Fred. "Take the magic box and the sprayer to Hank and grab your big gun. Ron, you know them. Tail them to let us know when they head back home. Moore, alert your colleagues assigned to watch the park. Al, go get the SWAT team."

Gillian strode out and hurried to the interrogation room, where Kurt kept their tools. Her voice startled him, as she came in talking on the phone. "T, we need the names and numbers of all the surrounding houses. Call them and let them know we're about to evacuate them for the night." She disconnected to face Kurt. "Kurt, help T and Connor. You're staying here to help Hank get the sprayer ready." She went back out and on to the lab. "Hank, we're moving. Take the box to the delivery when it's ready. Detective Moore will be waiting for you."

"I'll be there in forty."


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