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The suits from laboratories left right away

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The suits from laboratories left right away. They'd been notified of the warrants to nose into their staff and projects, and they were eager to flee. They had to make sure everything was in order before the feds came sniffing around in the morning. While Aldana helped Tanya to pack her devices, medics and scientists circled Hank at the lobby with the most unexpected questions. Russell stayed with him for moral support, because Hank looked like a cornered beast about to chew his way out.

Gillian and Brock were some steps away, also answering questions. But Brock soon realized those queries came mostly from young men, who wanted to make sure they had the right number to contact Gillian if they ever needed to. So they asked for her personal card. Just in case.

The spreading amnesia was bound to have something to do with her maybe-too-fit white skirt and her toned legs. And the two buttons she'd left undone to her collar. He rolled his eyes in his mind. Apes. None of them didn't even notice her eyes, her soft features, her...

His train of thought derailed, chocked by his sarcasm, when he scowled down at one of the apes and got a glimpse of bra-shaped blue lace beneath her blouse. His scowl darkened enough to make a young doctor stutter an apology and hurry away.

Gillian didn't do it on purpose—she'd die out of shame if she realized—but she stood so close to Brock that her arm brushed his as she handed out her cards.

It made her feel good, supported. With him by her like that, she felt like she could take over the whole world. That was the reason behind her bulletproof smile. Which would've been notoriously wider had she been aware of his glare at anyone daring to come closer than two steps from her.

Even so, she soon grew sick and tired of shaking hands and stand there like a stupid booth babe. She started glancing at Hank more and more often. They needed to go. They had work to do. Brock and Russell were expected at the Metro Police HQ. And those damned high heels were killing her.

It took Hank a while to meet her eyes, but once he did, they stole to the exit in under a minute. Aldana and Tanya joined them there. They were about to leave when Doctor Hall approached them, and his face was enough for them to know he wasn't there to ask fancy questions.

"Our ER Chief just called me," he said. "They've just admitted two new possible cases of BVD."

The shock brought Gillian back down to earth in a heartbeat. She turned to the others. "I've got this. Hank, stay with me. Gals, you go back to the inn and stand by. Agent Brockner, sir, you and Russ go deliver the profile. I'll keep you up."

Before they could really process the situation, she grabbed her duffel and strode away with Hall and Hank. The others hurried to the SUVs.

Aldana rolled down her window as she started the engine. "I'll call the other hospitals, to get updates in real time," she said.

"Keep us up," replied Russell, as Brock geared in and drove away.

They were halfway to the Metro Police station when Russell's phone buzzed. He checked it and took the call on speaker. "Hey, Reg, what d'you have there?"

"Russ... They..."

Brock slowed down and they traded an alarmed look at the way Gillian's strangled whisper trailed off.

"What is it? Talk to me, Reg."

"They... Shit, Russ! They're children!"



Keep reading on the next episode: BLAKCBIRD 27 - the word

Keep reading on the next episode: BLAKCBIRD 27 - the word

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