Chapter 20

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Allison's P.O.V

He got on top of me, unhooked my bra, then started to slide his hands down my whole body and to my underwear. He hooked his fingers in them and pulled them off, he then pulled down his boxers and was getting in position to go in me when...

"Heyyyy mannnn!!!! Why did you start without us!!!" A random males voice screamed.

"I wasn't but you guys took to long, but she's a fighter that's for sure." Zack said letting his eyes roam my naked body.

"But Zack!!!! I wanted her first!!" The other one whined.

"Well to bad Ethan! I get her first and last!! Understood?" He screamed at this Ethan dude.

"Yes." Ethan said now shaking of fear.

"So... can we watch?!?" The other guy asked.

"Sure Luke!" He said giving him a high five.

"Wait, Luke??" I asked stunned, they all turned around and looked at me.

"Yea Luke, are you deaf too." Ethan said making him and Zack laugh with Luke just looking at me.

"Allison?" He asked just as stunned


"What are doing here?" He asked shocked that it was me tied to the bed.

"Ain't it obvious?" I asked like he was stupid

"Wait you know this slut?!?" Zack asked pissed

"Yea I do, and don't call her that she's far from one!!" Luke screamed.

I bet you guys are confused on who Luke is. Well we use to be neighbors back when I was in elementary school, I was bullied a lot when I was younger because I was skinny, had glasses, and braces, so everybody liked to make fun of me.

Well one day I was playing on the slide and this girl pushed me off of it and started to pull my hair, slapped me, and called me all these names until Luke came over there and pulled her off of me and told everyone there if they messed with me they would have to go through him first and everybody was scared of him so no one did, we were friends for awhile until middle school because I became popular while he got in with the bad kids.

I was knocked out of my thinking when Zack screamed "WHO DO YOU THINK YOUR TALKING TO LUKE?!?!?"

"To me it looks like a BOY who has a inchworm for a dick!! Not to mention your sitting here about to RAPE an innocent girl who did NOTHING to you!! Your just pissed because she chose Blake over your stupid ass!!!" Luke screamed now in Zack's face.

"Are you ok?" He asked me.

"Yea I guess, can you please help me get out of here?" I asked full of hope.

"Of course my little nerd." He said with a smile as I giggled.

I would always cry because people called me a nerd so one day he said I wasn't a nerd but if I was I was his nerd.

"Thanks." I said as he untied my hands, he handed me my underwear and bra then gave  me his jacket to put over myself while he grabbed my purse and punched Zack in the face saying "You touch her again and you'll wish you hadn't, got it?" Zack just nodded and we left.

We got to the elevator and he said sorry I said it was ok that it wasn't his fault. I pulled out my phone to see I had missed calls and test from everyone. I called Blake and on the first ring he answered.

Blake: Allison? Are you ok? Where are you? Are you hurt?

Allison: Hey baby... I guess I'm okay, I'm coming down the elevator right now I'll see you in a sec ok?

Blake: Ok, but are you hurt? Where have you been? We were worried sick.

"You all should've been." I said under my breath but he herd

Blake: What do you mean we should've been? Allison your scaring me tell me what's going on.

As soon as he said that the elevator doors opened, I ran and jumped in his arms. They all saw I was only wearing a jacket with my hair and makeup looking awful but that didn't stop them into forming a group hug.

"Where have you been?"

"Are you ok?"

"Why are you only in your undergarments and a jacket?"

"Have you been crying?"

"Did somebody hit you?"

They all asked

"Guys calm down, I'll tell you all what happened but can we please go to the hospital?" I asked with tears coming down my face and Blake embracing me in a hug.

"Of course baby." He said kissing the top of my head.


I turned my head to see Luke standing there


"I'm so sorry for what Zack and Ethan said and did, when Zack was talking about this girl he wanted I never thought he was talking about you if I knew I wou-" he said before I cut him off

"Luke you didn't know, it's ok I don't blame you."

"It's not ok Allison, we all wanted to do that to you, but when I realized it was my little nerd I just couldn't let them do that to you. I am so sorry Allison and I'm going to the police and telling them what we planned. I love you my nerd." He came over there to hug me when Blake's grip tightened around me and pulled me back. Great now I have to worry about my jealous boyfriend.

"My little nerd, LOVE?!?! Who the fuck is this kid?" Blake asked looking between me and Luke.

Seriously, that's all he herd during that whole conversation.

"Blake it's ok, his name is Luke, he use to be my best friend until middle school. Don't you remember?" I asked

"No, Allison I don't, I can't keep up with all the guys you talk to!" He screamed while moving away from me when something happened and I started to scream to the top of my lungs.

I was beating his chest, kicking and screaming.

"What did you do to her?!?" Alex screamed.

"Nothing bro I swear!!" Blake said.

"Bullshit Blake!!! Your pathetic!! You know Allison is crazy about you and you want to stand there accusing her of cheating? Boyfriend of the year people!" Britney screamed.

"Who the fuck are you?!?" Blake screamed.

And that's the last I herd before it all went black.

Hey guys!!!! I'm sorry if it's short I tried to make it long.

Im so sorry for the wait, I typed it up a few times and just didn't like it so I had to keep changing it but I hope you like it.

Vote and comment please, I love you all😘😘

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