Chapter 24

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Caitlyn's P.O.V

Alex takes me to his place because dad is probably already asleep at the house and won't even know that I'm gone, like usual. He takes Allison's bags that she gave him, while I grabbed all mine. We walk in while he goes to Allison's room I go to his and put all my bags down when I see a KAY jewelers bag in one of my shopping bags.

I don't remember going to KAY jewelers.

I grab the bag and look inside to see a little box, I keep telling myself not to open the box but I just can't help myself so I open the box to see a beautiful engagement ring. It was so big it look so perfect, I started to tear up when Alex walked in shocked.

Before he says anything I scream yes and jump into his arms. I always wanted to marry Alex I just didn't think he would ask so soon. He finally hugs be back but pulls away looking sad.

"What?" I ask scared that he was going to be mad that I opened the box.

"Caitlyn... I want to marry you but-"

"But what?!? You bought me this ring so you were going to propose so-"

"Caitlyn I didn't buy that ring, Blake did for Allison." He blurts out making all my happy tears run down my face and turning into sad ones.

"What?" I asked shocked

"I know, but he wanted me to hide it from her so she wouldn't see it, he's going to ask when we're all on vacation. I'm so sorry Caitlyn." He grabs my hands and kisses my forehead.

"I do want to marry you Caitlyn, just not right now. Is that ok?"

I just stand there holding his hands, trying to speak but I can't. So I just nod my head to let him know I'm ok with it all. He pulls me into a hug and we go to bed.

Allison's P.O.V

I wake up the next day in Blake's bed in his t-shirt but he isn't laying beside me. I get up and head downstairs to see that he's not down there either. I head back upstairs to take a shower and head home to pack to see Blake in a towel covering everything below the waist.

His muscles looking so good, his six pack looking even better. The water running down his chest and his hair wet. He just stood there looking sexier then ever. I walk over to him looking him up and down. I pull his towel off letting it hit the ground, I kiss him with so much lust. Before I know it my legs are around his waist and he's throwing me onto the bed. He pulls off his t-shirt that I'm wearing, he throws it letting it land on the floor. He looks down to see that I don't have a bra on, then he slowly pulls off my underwear.

He moves down to between my thighs leaving a trail of kisses, he makes his way to my entrance kissing and licking making me moan, I arch my back moving closer to him. He pushes into me making me grip the sheets, I moan out his name making him go deeper.

He flips us over so now I'm on top. I start riding him loving every minute of it, he moves his hands to my waist. He moans out my name while I keep riding him. He flips us back over, he pulls out and with one good thrust he's in, I moan when I hit my climax as he hits his a second after me.

We lay there breathless holding each other's hand. A few minutes pass before I get up to take a shower. I pull the covers off me and stand up when Blake grabs my wrist and pulls me back down on the bed.

"Where are you going?"

"I have to take a shower."

"No you don't."

"Yes I do, I need to get ready to go back home and pack before we leave tomorrow."

"Uggh ok fine." He whined

"I know I'm sorry." I kiss him and make my way to the bathroom.

I turn on the warm water and jump in. I do my regular routine and get out. I wrap my body in a towel then my hair, I dry off and walk out to get some of my clothes from Blake's dresser.

I put on a light pink crop top on with white shorts on. I match it with some diamond earrings and black sandals.

I straighten my hair and put light makeup on. I walk downstairs to see my amazing boyfriend dressed and playing a video game.

"You ready to go?" He asked

"Yea, are you coming with me?"

"I have to."

I looked confused and he looked like he knew why.

"I have to take you home because I'm the one who drove you here, you don't have your car with you."

"Ohh yea." I say laughing

"Come on my crazy girl." He says grabbing my hand and giving me a sweet little kiss.

We take his jeep and are at my house in 15 minutes. I walk in seeing Alex bringing his suitcases downstairs.

"It's about time!! I thought you were never going to come pack."

"I'm sorry, I got held up." I say looking down and Blake snicker but covers it up with a cough.

"Well go pack I need to talk to Blake."


I go upstairs to start packing but I really want to know what Alex needs to tell Blake.

Blake's P.O.V

"Well go pack I need to talk to Blake."

"Ok." She says making her way to her room.

"What's going on dude?"

"Caitlyn... she saw the ring."

"What?!? What happened?"

"She thought it was hers, I'm sorry dude I had to tell her that it was for Allison."

"I don't care about that, how did she take it?"

"Ok I guess I told her that I want to marry her, just not right now."

"Well I hope everything it good between you two."

"Yea me too Blake, me too."

A hour passes before Allison comes down saying "Well I'm done, are you going to help or just watch?"

With that we get up, grab her bags and put them in the jeep for tomorrow. I give Alex a bro hug whispering in his ear to go talk to Caitlyn, then me and Allison leave.

I put my hand on Allison's thigh while she just keeps looking out the window.

"Are you excited?"

"Yes, ugh I can't wait to go to Disney World." She's says, I can see the sparkle in her eye, her smile the prettiest thing I've ever seen.

"I can't wait to spend all summer with you sexy."

"Me too."

With that the rest of the ride was quite but a comfortable quiet. We make it home and she helps me pack, we order some Chinese food and go to sleep.

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