Chapter 3: It's For The Best

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After collecting my clothes and adjusting myself, I look down at Vin. Still laying on his back, with an unreadable expression on his face, he lets out a content sigh.

"Will you hand me my pants?" He asks.

Really? That's what he wants to say right now? Ignoring my urge to throw them at him, I bend down retrieving his bottoms and place them in his outstretched hand.

As I turn to leave, he stops me with his words. "Really, fuck me and leave? Ouch." He feigned hurt, twisting his jeans around in his hands.

"OUCH?" I practically yell. "You're the one who wanted your clothes back so fast. In a hurry, Vin? Got somewhere better to be?"

I storm off again before turning back to see him smiling. "And for your information, I was just going to grab my shoes." I lie.

"And for your information, I just wanted a cigarette," He smirks. Pulling a pack of cigarettes from his pant pocket, "Nothing better than smoking after sex." He says with a wink.

Embarrassed for the way I acted, I turn and continue the walk back to Dahlia before he can see the redness growing on my cheeks. what if he really was going to just fuck and leave? After all, I was going to do the same thing. Only he can make me act like that, and he knows it. If that would have been anyone else, I wouldn't have cared if they left without a word. I always leave as soon as possible. After getting my fix.

Once I reach Dahlia I place my hands on her strong trunk and pray for just a little bit of her strength. I gaze back to see Vin still laying by the lake, his silhouette a dark comparison to the moon kissed water sparkling in front of him, smoke rolling above his figure. I can't help but take a moment to admire the sight.

Bending down to pick up my shoes for the second time, I begin to think about how carefree Vin is. How optimistic he always is. He knows that I hook up with men other than him, for my own selfish pleasures, yet he still sees me. He still cares for me.

I can't deny that I feel something for him as well, something deeper than just sex. Something I've never felt for any other man. But I know it would never work. It would only hurt us both in the end.

With one last glance at my weakness, I turn to head home. 'It's for the best.' I whisper, trying to convince myself during my walk. I would only be another disappointment to him. He deserves better.

The only person I haven't managed to let down in some way is Marley. My best friend, my rock in this cruel world. The single being in this world who has kept me grounded. Somewhat.

Shit! Ley. She's probably pacing the floors of our home waiting up for me. With that thought in mind, I start to jog the last 5 minutes home.

It isn't much, our home. A small beige house secluded in the woods, away from unwanted company. Complete with a kitchen, living room, two bedrooms and one bathroom; which usually causes an argument a day between us. We are females after all.

But for us, it's all that we need. All we could really ask for after up and moving to this small town in Tennessee. With the money I've saved from various jobs over the years, and Leys' paycheck from her job at the library in town, we've managed to get along just fine.

The local towns people have been kind to us since our arrival almost a year ago. They greet us happily when we visit the town, always asking if we ladies need anything or telling us to be careful out in the woods alone.

I don't mind the solidarity though. In fact, I love it compared to our old apartment in that crowded city. Being able to walk outside and sit on our front porch, in peace, without having to listen to the person next to us complain about this or that.

At least we're finally away from that congested city. Too many temptations there that are not good for a girl like me.

Spotting our porch light on, I feel a pang of guilt knowing that Marley is still up. Always the mother figure. I honestly don't know what I would do without her. I slow my pace to catch my breath and walk up the steps. Checking the door knob, I'm surprised to find it unlocked.

I carefully open the door before quietly closing and locking it behind me. As I place my shoes beside the door I look about the room. All of the lights are off in the living room, but the soft glow from the hallway is enough to make my way around the sofa.

Halfway to the hall I'm stopped by a loud thump, followed by Marleys high pitched squeal. Turning around I see her sitting on the wooden floor beside the couch, her hands running through her disheveled brown curls.

"Do you have any idea what time it is?!" She says with a groggy voice.

"I know, I know. I'm sorry, okay? I just went to clear my head for a minute and I guess time got away from me. I didn't mean to make you worry. I won't let that happen again." I quickly say to avoid a lecture from her, while trying not to jumble my words.

She stares at me for a moment with a confused expression on her petite face before slowly lifting herself onto the couch with a half laugh, half groan.

"As much as I'd love to say I was up worried about you, which I usually am by the way," she sighs, giving me a tired look. "That wasn't the case tonight."

My interest piqued by her behavior, I turn on the lamp beside the couch before sitting down beside her. Placing her legs in my lap I ask, "What's wrong, Ley?"

Taking in a deep breath then exhaling dramatically, she looks at me. "It's my brother. He wants to come visit us," she states slowly, trying to ease into the conversation I do not want to have right now.

"He says it's been almost a year since he's seen me and he doesn't want us to be like that. Siblings who never see or speak to each other." Releasing another sigh she lays her head on one of our throw pillows.

"Why the sudden urge to visit now? If I remember correctly, which I do, he told us if we left then he never wanted to see either of us again." My anger beginning to surface. How dare he.

"Eva, he's my brother. I know you two had your thing," she starts, giving me a sympathetic look. "But that was nearly a year ago. People say things they don't mean and I know he regrets quite a few of those things."

"That's not the point, Marley. You can't just...let's say, intentionally slap someone in the face and then turn right around and say you're sorry. That's not how it works."

Sighing in defeat she murmurs an "I know." Rolling over on her side she turns the lamp off without another word. I didn't mean to be so harsh towards her. It isn't her fault her brother acted the way he did.

I reach down to grab the blanket she had been using and place it over our legs, before lying back on the opposite end of the couch. "I'm sorry, Ley," I whisper. "I didn't mean to take it out on you. We can make the arrangements tomorrow."

Stretching her arm out and patting my leg, I place my hand in hers. Giving mine a light squeeze, she whispers back. "I love you, Eva. You know that right?"

"I love you too, Marley." I say, squeezing her hand back. "At least enough to put up with your brother for a few days." I jokingly add. We both laugh together, before letting the emotions and stress of the day take its toll on our bodies, allowing us to drift off to sleep.


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