Chapter 5: Opposites Attract

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Once Marcus is out of sight, he is far from out of mind. In fact, he is all that's on my mind. That alone causes my anger to spike. My dislike for him, at this moment, is equivalent to my love for Marley. Which she's lucky is a fucking lot.

Marley loves her older brother, and vice-versa. I, on the other hand, use to love her brother. There's a big difference.

Those feelings changed though, when I had the misfortune of seeing the true Marcus. The dark side he doesn't portray to many. The side of him that lays just beneath his handsome face and charming demeanor.

I found out the hard way that people can change for the worse. Even the ones you love.. No. The ones you thought you loved.

Marley, however, only saw her loving brother. Her only sibling. She's always looked up to him. In her eyes, it's as if he can do no wrong. Who was I to take that image away from her? Telling her the truth would surely devastate her.

To learn the truth about the man she has idolized her entire life would pop her bubbly spirit. I couldn't do that to her. I still can't.

Maybe the fall out between Marcus and I wasn't a complete misfortune. After all, he was the final straw I needed to break away from...the many temptations that he and that blasted city possessed.

Ley snaps me out of my subconscious thoughts by placing her hand on my shoulder, brushing my wet hair behind my ear. Her soft touch soothes the rage that my body is trying to keep in check.

"Come on. Get dressed so we can go outside to talk." She says, lightly patting my back as if I were a lost child found at the grocery store.

Hooking her small arm in mine, she leads me down the hall. She stops short at the bathroom doorway to give me a sideways glance. I softly smile back before entering my room, closing the old wooden door behind me.

Once alone with my thoughts, a familiar emotion begins to seep through cracks that have unwittingly formed on the wall meant to shield me from pain.

It starts deep in my heart and with each pump of blood it slowly, painfully, expands out from my chest. It runs up my neck and forces my throat to close in, making it hard for me to breathe, before shooting down and out to my toes and fingertips.

The feeling so strong, it causes me to lean my weight against the cold door to keep from falling to my knees. A few tears escape my eyes as my pain morphs back to anger.

Realizing my bodies weak reaction, I quickly wipe my face and take a couple of deep breaths. I will not shed my tears for him. He doesn't deserve them.

Wallowing in self pity has never helped me before, I doubt it will help me now. I know what, or shall I say who, can help you. My inner vixen voices, making her daily appearance. No. Don't even think about it. I shake my head in an attempt to erase my sinful thoughts.

I push off the door and make my way to the dresser, dropping my towel on the floor in the process. I flip through my under garments and decide on a simple matching set. Deep purple, with a lavender shade of lace trimming the top, to accentuate my pale breasts.

After adjusting my underwear, I walk to the closet and slip a simple white dress off of its designated hanger. The long, free flowing bottom sways around me as I turn side to side, holding the material against my body. The fabric between my fingers is as silky soft as my freshly conditioned hair.

I quickly pull the dress over my body and swing my damp hair to one side. Grabbing my purse from under the bed, I shuffle through various items before finally finding my blue hairbrush. I brush out my thick hair and braid it down my left side, pinning a couple of fallen strands to the nape of my neck.

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