Chapter 6: No One But Him

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During the serious debate with the evil minx in my head, I realize where my feet have taken me.

Staring up at the bright red 'Handyman Auto' sign, hanging proudly above a set of large metal doors, I feel my nerves begin to shake.

Why did I even come here? Out of all the places I could have went today, I came here. I suppose they do say that everything happens for a reason. My problem is that I have no idea what that reason is.

Considering I did just walk 20 minutes to get here, I might as well say hi. Right? That's all. I'll say hello, apologize for my unnecessary behavior last night, and then be on my way. Simple as that.

Yeah. Keep telling yourself that, Eva..

Taking a deep breath, while trying to ignore my inner temptress, I slowly make my way to the entrance of the shop. A loud bell sounds as I pull the door open. Before I can step inside, a quick gust of wind slaps against my face.

Upon entering the small office, the smell of grease and fuel immediately invades my senses. It isn't an unpleasant smell though. I've actually grown accustomed to the scent, finding it oddly attractive.

I glance around the room and see Joan, the shops young receptionist, sitting at the front desk. Her bleach blonde hair cascades around her face as her hot pink nails type away on the keyboard.

Hearing the door chime, signaling the arrival of a customer, she looks up with a smile on her makeup-caked face. Once she sees it's me, however, her smile drops and is replaced by a look that can only be described as pure hatred.

Not in the mood to deal with her petty bullshit today, I give her a small greeting and ask for Gavin.

Saying his name out loud sends my stomach into a frenzy. Little jitters work their way throughout my body making me squeeze my hands together tightly.

Joan rolls her eyes at me and dramatically spins her chair around. Pressing a small button on the intercom attached to the wall behind her, she informs Vin that he has a 'customer.'

Maybe this wasn't the best idea after all. Showing up at his work, unannounced, is something I hadn't planned out. Stupid feet. What if he doesn't want to see me? I suppose I can't blame him if that is the case. I did act pretty selfish last night.

As I take a seat to wait, I contemplate on whether I should stay or leave. Knowing Joan as the immature flirt she is, I doubt she would tell Vin that I was the customer asking for him. I'm almost positive she thinks she has a chance with him. Despite their 10 year age difference and the fact that she is still a minor.

Best of luck, sweetheart..

Before I can stop my action, a small laugh escapes my lips. When Joan turns to see why I'm laughing, the unattractive scowl on her heart-shaped face makes me laugh even harder.

"What's so funny?" She fumes, crossing her tan arms in front of her overexposed cleavage.

I try to contain my laughter, only to end up snorting loudly instead. With tears threatening to fall, from my unexpected laugh attack, I hear the one voice that sends my body into overdrive.

I instantly feel his eyes on me. My laughing stops abrutly when my gaze travels to his lean, yet muscular body. Even through my blurry vision, his rugged features and the way his body casually walks into the office is unmistakable.

"May I ask what you ladies are laughing about?" Vin says, seeming to be holding in laughter of his own. His shaggy brown hair glistens with sweat.

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