Chapter 20 - Project E.D.E.N.

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Unfathomable turmoil coursed through Violina as she fought to grasp the fact that Kza had escaped and the future was still doomed to hell. But amidst the screaming destruction, she was suddenly met with a blast of cold air. Falling snow replaced the burning chaos as a portal opened just beneath her. Down she fell until she collided with a drift of snow where only a whispering breeze remained.

"No, no, no, no, no!" repeated Lux, pulling herself out of the snow bank.

Violina was beyond livid. "What just happened?!"

"Is that a rhetorical question?" demanded Lux, equally fuming.

Judging by the towering spiked glaciers and swirling flurries, Violina could only assume they had landed once more in the Ice Age. "There's something strange going on here, Lux."

"Understatement of the year, much?" Lux began pacing back and forth.

"I mean with Kza!" exclaimed Violina. "Who gets shot and then looks pleased about it and forgives the shooter? It was as if he knew he was going to escape."

Lux shook her head slowly. "Certainly wouldn't be my first reaction." But despite Lux's words, Violina suspected such would be her first reaction.

"He knew our names!" exclaimed Violina, throwing her hands in the air. "How did he know our names?"

"I don't know! But he is Kza after all! He's probably got his ways of knowing what's going on with the High Cleric and overheard our sentencing or something."

"Maybe," conceded Violina, "but what was with him saying you regained your immortality?"

"It really makes no sense, does it?" Lux stared at the snow in a daze.

Violina then noticed two sets of fresh tracks nearby, but unlike what might be expected from a caveman, these had very defined tread patterns. "What do you make of this?"

Lux followed their trail with her eyes. "It looks like they lead toward the mountains. Judging by the spaces of their strides, I'd say they were running at a full sprint." She then pointed toward a massive crater. "They came from over there."

Feeding her curiosity, Violina approached its edge. To her astonishment, there in the center of it lay a vessel half-buried and collecting snowflakes. About the size of a couple of Taloc-Mechs, it was similar in composition to her bracer and the Second Sun.

"What's a thing like this doing in the Ice Age?" asked Lux as if Violina was the expert on the topic.

"What's a thing like this doing in the Ice Age?" asked Lux as if Violina was the expert on the topic

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Violina carefully climbed down the icy cliff and approached it. The lower portion of the vessel was crushed as if it had fallen from the sky and made the crater wherein they stood. Eyeing an open hatch, she reached for her pistol, but felt only her holster. Their last weapon was lost. Flustered, but not discouraged, she continued forward. "Let's go in, shall we?"

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