Prologue - Reminiscences of a Man Left to Burn

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"It's been fourteen years since the Second Sun destroyed the world and abandoned us to die. It's been fourteen years since God killed us." Connor's spirits sank as he spoke. "I still recall the voice of the Second Sun and the exact words spoken that day. 'How oft would I have sacrificed myself to save you, but you would not. I know you all in perfect clarity, and there are none good among you. You sanctified greed and vilified reason. When met with innocence, you did not so much as ask her name before tearing her from existence. You have eyes, yet see nothing. I've shut my eyes, and I see everything. On this day the Second Sun will set, and as you push one another's heads under the poison to keep your own afloat, so will you drown in toxicity and fire. I've paid the price of perfection—my Inevitable Ascension.'"

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