Chapter Nineteen

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"The stars up close to the moon were pale; they got brighter and braver the farther they got out of the circle of light ruled by the giant moon"
― Ken Kesey, One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest

"The	stars up close to the moon were pale; they got brighter and braver	the farther they got out of the circle of light ruled by the giant	moon" ― Ken Kesey, One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest

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  I brushed the invisible dirt off the beautiful dress I had picked especially for today. Mrs. Hawthorn had kindly bought it for me. It was mainly black, with a small red panel that was across my chest, like it was a separate piece under the black rockabilly swing style dress, completed by a chunky red belt around my waist. I had re-dyed my hair the night before, so looking at it now as it fell around me, poker straight after just a blow dry, it was brighter than I ever remember. Or perhaps that was just my bleak out look on things of recently.

Sighing, I trudged back to my room, dropping onto my bed. I sat, just looking at my shoes for a moment, contemplating everything. I was terrified, I didn't want to go, it would only solidify what I already knew, only make it more real. I wasn't sure if I could handle it. But then, if I didn't go, if I didn't say goodbye, I knew I would regret it for the rest of my life.

I lent down to pull on the military style boots, a gift from Faith once upon a time, for a night out we were planning. She had gotten very drunk, hid under a pool table and phoned friends, giggling and blabbering away random, incoherent musings.

The memory made me smile as I zipped up the boots. Standing, I walked across to my drawers, picking up a long chain, with a bronze peacock charm and a lace bow. Faith had loved peacocks, especially their bright colourful feathers.

My phone buzzed from the bed. Looking over, I realised it must be time to go. Grabbing my phone and purse, shoving them into my bra, I hurried into the bathroom again to check my make up. It was only eye liner and lipstick, in Faith's signature red colour, and ruffled my hair slightly.

I wasn't ready, but I hardly had much real choice. Trudging down the stairs, the silence surrounding the house didn't pass me. Just as my foot left the last step, there was a loud knock at the front door, startling me. I stood watching the door silently. I couldn't think of anyone that would knock or even visit. Ally and Billy would just walk in. Here, I didn't have a right to, well, anything, much less privacy.

There was a second knock, louder this time, jumping me from my thoughts. I hurried forward, opening the door slightly to peek out.

A chest. Dragging my eyes up, I locked eyes with Seth's own chocolate orbs.

"Seth what are..." opening the door more fully, I looked at what he was wearing. Suit trousers, a slim fitted black shirt with a slim red tie.

"What?" looking back up at him, it clicking in my mind. Seth started to play with the cuffs on his shirt sleeves as he looked down almost shyly.

"I figured you'd need a lift, and I don't intend to leave you on your own, today of all days. It's wrong that he's left you when you need help the most." He looks back up into my eyes, intense and burning, rooting me to the spot, my breath catching in my throat.

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