Chapter TwentyFour

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"Now it is a strange thing, but things that are good to have and days that are good to spend are soon told about, and not much to listen to; while things that are uncomfortable, palpitating, and even gruesome, may make a good tale, and take a deal of telling anyway."
― J.R.R. Tolkein,The Hobbit

 Tolkein,The Hobbit

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A week passed uneventfully. Jasper visited me every day and I hid whenever I knew the guys were coming to visit Seth. And that turned out to be a lot, so I found myself tucked away in his room for long periods of time with a book or Netflix. I would sometimes text or phone Grey to see how he was.

The doctor still hadn't phoned me with my results and I was starting to worry a little that something was wrong. I wanted to go back to school and work, to take my mind off of everything, but trying to convince Seth that it was a good idea was almost impossible. He thought that I needed more time to recover, but really, sitting here with nothing to do but think and worry felt more detrimental to my well being than going out and trying to resume a somewhat normal life. God only knows how far behind on my school work I was, especially with the first of my exams coming up. Then there was work, surely I had used up all of my sick days and holidays by this point, and I doubted that Seth was able to excuse me for longer than that. Mr Walker was a kind gentleman, but he also was a businessman trying to run his pub.

I had met Seth's dad the day after the doctor had checked me. He was a silent man of few words from our brief encounters. He had asked me how I was feeling and offered his condolences. Then whenever I seen him, mostly I found him in the kitchen with a mug of coffee and a newspaper or other paper work, he would look up, mutter a hello before returning to his task. He was almost as tall as Seth, slender with broad shoulders, dark hair with some silvery grey strands highlighted through it, often pushed back out of his face. His eyes were the same chocolate brown as Seths, and in general, he and his son looked a lot alike.

I was currently raking through my clothes – Seth had sorted them all into some of his drawers against my protests – for my school uniform or my work uniform. I was almost sure I had seen them in my suitcase before, but now?

Slamming the drawer shut I huffed. Surely Seth wouldn't have hidden them? Chewing my lip I thought it over. Of course he would. He was unbelievable at times.

I stomped out of the room and down the stairs, glancing in the empty living room before hearing noise from the kitchen.

"Hey! What did you do with my..." I stop in my tracks once inside the kitchen, a surprised looking Cole turning to me with a glass of water in hand.

"er, I mean, Cole! Nice to see ya again!" He looks me over before furrowing his brows in confusion.

"What are you doing here Topolino?" His thick Italian voice sounded genuinely confused.

"I, er, I mean..." Oh no, what was I supposed to say? I didn't want anyone knowing I was staying here. I didn't want them to know what had happened to me. Just then I heard a door slamming and the heavy footsteps coming towards us. I looked back at the door to see Jasper coming through, looking worn out, muddy and dishevelled.

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