Chapter ThrityOne

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"Do I love you? My God, if your love were a grain of sand, mine would be a universe of beaches."

— William Goldman, The Princess Bride

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It was now Friday and I had not returned back to school. Seth had talked me out of returning to work for now as well. Which left me lots of time to 'get myself prepared for the baby' as Seth keeps telling me. But I had grown bored of looking things up online and doing nothing with myself. I had read through half of the manga books I had gotten at Christmas and watched through all of the DVDs. The only things I had to preoccupy myself for now was reading and some games. I had taken a liking to Kingdom hearts and the last guardian on Seths ps4, not to mention Jasper had bought me a laptop and The Sims. I had quickly gotten addicted to that but even I grew bored of that now, and resorted to trying to kill them off in creative ways.

Seth was going to School less and less, only leaving me 2-3 days out of the week, and even then, he never stayed a full school day, always returning at lunch time with food for me.

Today though, he refused to go, and was running around. I couldn't tell if he was more excited or nervous as I watched him go back and fourth 'tidying' up his already spotless room, muttering under his breath. I couldn't hear what he was saying but I'd catch the odd word like 'alright' and 'baby' and 'sick'.

"SETH!" I called out when he picked up a blanket that he had folded and refolded three times already and began to do so again. He paused and looked over at me sitting on the edge of the bed with a worried expression.

"I'm sorry, are you okay? Is something wrong?" He dropped the blanked to the floor and in three quick strides was standing over me, looking me over for injury despite not moving for the past two hours.

"No, I'm fine. I'm worried about you though." He frowned as he glanced down at himself.

"Me? I'm sure you have better things to worry about Panda, like your appointment later?"

"Its just a check up. Why are you stressing about it?" I pat the space beside me for him to sit. He looked at me for a moment longer before letting himself fall beside me and sighing heavily.

"You've been so tired and sick and you barely have any bump. I'm scared that there's something wrong. I'm scared for you." He glances over before pulling me close into his side, wrapping me into a secure hug.

"This is all normal. Sucky I guess, but completely normal." I whispered into him as I settled into his embrace.

"Guess we'll find out soon enough. It's almost time to go." Seth gave me a gentle kiss to the top of my head before getting up and walking towards the abandoned blanket, quickly refolding it and throwing it over the back of the couch.

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