~Chapter Two~

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"The House Better be clean." Their father barged in through the the door.

Alexa was sitting upstairs with Olivia, she had been cleaning for hours while her mother got some rest. It was spotless.


Alexa got up and rushed down the stairs, Olivia following her inquisitively.

"They get here in 20 minutes. What the fuck have you been doing all day?" He asked, his hands in fists.

"I've been cleaning, I got Olivia from preschool.. I started the dinner." She told him.


"I'm not lying. It's spotless." She tried to tell him.

"It's filthy. Where's your mother?" He asked, looking at the stairs.

"She's resting. She didn't sleep last night." Alexa told him.

"Darling I don't quite think you get the meaning of clean? And neither does your mother... This house is meant to be clean and tidy. There's shit everywhere. Including you two." He scoffed, going into the kitchen and getting beer.

"As for you, you little shit." He turned to Olivia and reached out his hand to grab her wrist. Alexa stepped in fornt of him, and pushed her behind her.

"Don't touch her. She's a child, she's your daughter."

"And? Why the fuck should I care? Why the fuck should I care about you or your sisters? You're all a piece of shit, you're all useless bitches that can't do a thing to make me happy." He told her. She didn't reply.

"You'll never get into university, because your not smart.. you're never going to do anything with your life because you're a small worthless girl. I wish I had never had you. If you were like Edward you'd be alright."

"I'm nothing like Edward." She told him.

"Exactly! That's the fucking point. You're everything that I wouldn't want in a daughter..."

He paused.

"You're trying to protect Olivia? You'd rather I hit you than her?" He asked. She pushed her further and Olivia got the message, running up the stairs away from them.

"Of course I would. She's a child, dad."

"You have no right to call me Dad." He pushed her back and she fell only the floor, climbing back up from the floor instantly.

She had fight in her, she would argue back against him even if she knew she wouldn't win. She raised her hand, wanting to hit him anywhere she could but he grabbed her wrist, squeezing tightly and causing her pain. He finished his beer and slammed it into the table, pushing Alexa against the wall and pinning her up by her neck.

She shrugged to breath, but didn't cry out, knowing he would do more. She tried to take a breath. Her lungs were empty, her eyes started to roll back and he dropped her, kicking her to the ground and letting her drop with a thud.

He laughed, going up the stairs.

Olivia climbed back down the stairs minutes later and Alexa was on the floor, and her shoulder clearly out of place.

"Lexi?" She asked, she was face down on the floor.

"Olivia, hide." She told her but she didn't leave her side. She found the phone from her pocket and unlocked it, she had been taught how to do this incase of an emergency.

She clicked on the screen a few times and held the phone with two hands up to her ear.

"Olivia, please. Go and hide." Alexa told her, catching her breath. She felt dizzy.

"Alexa what's wrong?" Someone picked up in the other end. One of her good friends Jonathan, he was training to be a pack doctor.

"Jonnie. Alexa needs help." Olivia said quietly, not moving form her side. "Please come."

"I'm coming, Olivia. Come and open the door. I'll be a few minutes." He told her quickly. He hung up and sprinted to the house.

Their father stayed upstairs.

He came in through the door and closed it behind him, making Olivia go upstairs into her room and rushing to Alexa's side.

"Oh my god, Lexi." He knelt beside her.

"I'm fine." She told him, crying slightly. "You need to go, quickly."

"Lexi, your neck" He helped her sit up and told her to be quiet and picked her up, lifting her gently and carrying her out of the house.

Her eyes started to close, her breathing slowed down. "No no no... Lexi, stay awake.. deep breaths. Come on. You're okay. We're nearly there." He told her and she tried to keep her eyes open.

She was rushed into the medical centre and Jonathans father was there. "Dad." He said quickly, and his faced dropped, finding a spare room and helping Jonathan lay her down onto the bed.

"Lexi what happened?" Jonathan asked, putting on gloves.

His father checked her neck and then her hands and wrists.

"Okay, Lexi, just breath. We're going to have to get some X-rays of your neck.. nothing feels broken, Sweetie but its very bruised already.." he said a few minutes later after feeling around.

She nodded, looking up at the ceiling.
Jonathan placed a mask over her mouth and nose to help her breath. She was in so much pain, but didn't let it show.

"Did he do it?" Jonathan asked. "You can tell us... Did he?"

She stayed silent for a moment, wiping the tears from her cheeks. She nodded once. "He was going to hurt Olivia. I couldn't let him so I stood infront of him and tried to fight back. I'm fine." She said quickly.

"Good girl, sweetie. You're alright." Jonathans dad rubbed her hand. She had only been in twice before for minor injuries but he'd never gone this far. He was aware of the situation.

They took X-rays of her neck everything seemed fine. She had a high pain tolerance, but she was still in pain.

"Because of your wolf,you're neck is going to be bruised for a while. Nothings broken, thank goodness." Jonathan told her, coming back into the room. "Come here."

He hugged her as best as he could and she hugged him back, crying onto his shoulder.

Jonathans dad left them be and walked out of the room.

"Is he getting worse?" Jonathan asked.

"He'd be drinking. He has guests coming. The house was clean, but he wasn't happy with it."

"Has he done anything else?"

"I lose track of what he does.." she admits.

"If anything ever gets too bad... You know my house is just round the corner... Right?" He told her.

She pulled out from their hug. "I can't just leave Olivia, mum and Hannah, Jonathan. Trust me.. I would've been gone by now if not." She admitted.

"If you were human, this would be much worse. It'll heal in a few days.. just have lots of rest."

"Thank you, Jonnie." She told him. She wiped her eyes again. "Ugh I feel funny." She said shaking her head. She felt dizzy and her wolf was a little urgent.

"Take some deep breaths... I'll take you back home."

"I can't go home, he has visitors." She told him.

"It's been a few hours..." He told her. "Maybe they're alseep now... It is, 8."

"It's been a few hours?" She asked.

"Hmm... The x-rays took a while.. you fell asleep a few times.. it's okay... Stay here if you need to."

"No. I'll go."

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