~Chapter Twenty-Two~

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"Layton, no," Lexi told him a stern voice. "The warriors could take them all down in minutes, you are not risking everything just to fight my father."

"I have no choice! I am not going to risk anyone else getting hurt that doesn't need to. Your father is weak. This is my job." Layton replied, pacing around the office.

"Alpha. 20 minutes." Corey shouted from the other side of the door.

"I cannot let you do this."

"I have to. And I will." Layton told her firmly, "I am not risking the lives of anyone that doesn't need to get hurt."

"What about you!?" She asked, raising her voice and getting upset.

"That doesn't matter."

"Yes it does! How can you stay that?!" She didn't stop the tears from running down her cheeks. "Layton. You're my fucking everything. I can't lose you. And we're not going to lose this pack."

He stood up slowly and walked towards her, wiping her cheeks and hugging her tightly. "Nothings going to happen to me. I have a plan"

"My father is decitful. I don't trust him." She told him, sniffling into his chest.

"If he wants to overthrow me, he has to fight me properly. If I get knocked down.... You're allowed to step in. I don't want you to do that."

"You know I won't follow that order. If you get hurt I'm going to fight him myself." She told him and he sighed.

"I know... Just be careful."

They stayed in a tight embrace for minutes, holding each other as if it was the last time they would.

"Alpha." Corey sounded more desperate from outside the office. "It's 10 to."

"I'm coming." He told him. He made Lexi look at him and he kissed her slowly, almost saying goodbye. "I will fight your father, and the pack will take down his men."

He went to the door, taking her hand and walking with her outside. Everyone was already silent.

"There's been a change of plan." He told them. "Lexi's dad is trying to overthrow us. I will fight her father, and you will defend the pack and attack his men."

All of a sudden, a crowd appeared at the edge of the forest, lead by one man whom they both recognised.

"YOU WILL NOT MOVE ANY CLOSER." Layton reached to behind his head and took off his shirt. He took Lexi's hand and they walked forward, pushing their groups back.

The group of people standing in front of them stopped. Her father kept on walking. He stood strong.

They faced off to each other, they were both shirtless and only wearing shorts.

Everyone knew a battle was about to break out. Lexi squeezed his hand, pushing back the tears. She had to be strong.

"Look what we have here..." Her father started talking. "So weak you can't even walk without holding his hand."

Layton breathed in, not breaking eye contact with him. He stood about 10 metres away.

"What's your choice?" Raymond asked sternly.

"I will fight you. None of your people will attack. Me against you." He lied.

"Very well." He put his hands together.

Layton kissed the top of Lexi's head. "Stay safe, beautiful. I love you."

He let his words sink in for a few second before stepping forward, nodding to his trained warriors and guards who were ready to attack with him. "Go." He spoke quietly but everyone heard him.

The pack lunged forward against Raymond's weak forces, everyone began to shift and WinterMoor looked strong as they charged forward with pace and anger, their paws beating along the gorups like a stamped of horses.

Layton had shifted immediately and before Raymond could process what was happening he was pinned to the group by Alexos, his neck between two sharp pairs of canines. But he wasn't that stupid, he kicked the wolf off of him and shifted himself, lunging at his own daughters mate.

The hatred in Raymond's eyes was enough to send anyone into fear but as they rolled around on the floor, kicking and biting, Layton stayed strong and fought for what he wanted.

WinterMoor was dominating the fight, the warriors were well trained and knew exactly what to do, knocking out many of Raymond's men and women... They didn't need to kill them just yet.

Layton and Raymond snarled at each other, facing off and growling loudly.

Corey was at the sidelines protecting Lexi, but they all knew she would step in when she was needed.

Layton let Alexos take full control. He pounced onto Raymond's back legs, kicking him in the stomach and biting sharply on his front leg. Raymond seemed to whimper but it only infuriated him more, seining round and pushing Alexos to the ground.

He bit his shoulder sharply and went for his neck but Alexos managed to wriggle and avoid it and got bitten on the collarbone instead. Raymond's wolf was much smaller than Alexos. He pushed through the pain and wriggled out form underneath him.

"I have to help him Corey. We have to help." She told him, looking on at the chaos before them.

He sighed knowing she was right. They both shifted quickly and joined the fight,standing beside Layton against Raymond.

The rest of WinterMoor were doing amazing, and they had taken down Raymond's people in minutes. They started pinning their hands behind their backs, securing them.

Not many had been injured from WinterMoor, but Alexos was limping on his front paw. They all knew his injuries would be much worse on Layton. He stood next to Corey and Lexi's wolf, growling at Raymond. 

He shifted causiously and knelt down on the ground, his breath unsteady and broken. His arm was limp from the shoulder down.

"Surrender. This was never going to happen. Look around you, Raymond. You destroyed your family, and you're not going to ever hurt them again. You were a cruel father, and you were a cruel alpha." Layton spoke, Lexi's wolf Tia growled, ready to pounce.

Raymond growled, looking behind him. He had a look of anxiety in his eyes, but hidden behind that was all of his anger and guilt. He stepped forward, snarling his teeth and lunging at an already broken Alpha. He bit onto the side of his neck and was pushed on quickly by Tia who had pushed him off in an effort to protect her mate; but he had already done the damage.

Corey tried to help Tia, but she didn't want the help. She thrashed and kicked vishiouly at her father, forcing him down the the ground and making sure he knew he was out of place. He eventually gave up, limply shifting back and surrendering himself into the ground.

Layton stayed quiet, holding his bleeding neck, Corey shifted and put pressure on the wound.

He breathing was irregular and although he was trying it was getting more and more difficult to stay conscious. Lexi stayed standing over her broken father until he was secured and ran to Layton, shifting back and trying to help.

Someone passed Lexi and T-shirt and she quickly slipped it on.

The battle was over.

"Layton you're going to be fine." Corey told him, he mind-linked the medical team, who were already running down to the field. "It's just a bite, you're going to be fine." He tried to convince himself as blood poured from his alphas neck.

Layton just stared at Lexi, his lip quivering.

He breathed out in shorts bursts, his eyes closing involuntarily. He watched Lexi fall into tears, watching Layton bleed out infront of her.

"I love you." He repeated. He recahed four for her hand and gripped it softly with sticky hands. "I love you."

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