~Chapter Twenty-Three~

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*Hours later...*

The medical team had arrived quickly, rushing Layton off into surgery to fix his arm and shoulder.

They had decided to take blood from Lexi, they could give it to Layton to help him recover.

"Luna." One of the nurses approached her. She had ran home and got them both clothes.

She stood up, her eyes still red and puffy from crying. Her hands were sticky from Laytons blood.

"Come with me." She said comfortingly. The nurse led her down some corridors and into an empty room.

"Before we take you to go and see Alph-"

"Is he okay?" She asked, interupting her.

"He's doing okay... We're going to make sure you're alright, and you can have a shower here... He should be fully awake by the time we take you over." She explained carefully. "The surgery went well, but the doctor will explain everything when I take you."

"So he's okay?" She asked, the nurse nodded.

"Do you have any pain, Luna? It's possible you might feel some pain from Alpha Layton as you're mated now." The nurse asked her.

She shook her head. "We're not mated yet. But no, I'm fine."

"I've set everything up in the bathroom, get yourself all cleaned up... We don't want you or Layton to get infections or anything. I'll just be outside. Take your time." The nurse spoke to her slowly, leaving her alone in the room.

She stood under the water for what seemed like forever, letting it beat onto her body until she felt numb.

She got out of the shower and pulled herself together, getting changed and putting her hair up. She picked up the bag and went out of the room to find the nurse, who was just around the corner.

She was escorted across the building and taken into a small office.

"I'm Dr. Thomas. I've just operated on Alpha Layton. He had a few small fractures that should heal on their own, and we've given him the blood that you provided. His shoulder and collar bone were completely broken but he's doing much better, but there are still risks. There are lots of wound openings that have a risk of infection."

"Is he awake?" She asked.

The doctor nodded. "We've cleaned him up, his arm isn't in a cast because of the swelling and we can't cast a shoulder. He'll have to have it in a support for a few weeks, it will hold him arm in place across his chest.. he's going to be fine."

The doctor took her across the corridor into the room, Layton was laying in the bed looking severely confused. His arm was already strapped to his chest, keeping his shoulder still.

"Lexi." He noticed her immediately and tried to sit up, he groaned in pain and the doctor helped him back down.

"Stay there, try not to move Layton." The doctor told him. There was already a nurse in the room keeping an eye on him.

Layton didn't take her eyes off of Lexi, watching her as she walked towards him and sat beside his bed, holding his good hand lightly. She avoided the IV which was in his hand.

He smiled slightly, his eyes still looking droopy. He had an oxygen mask over his mouth and nose, helping him to breath.

"You're okay?" He asked, nervously. He moved his hand a little. His eyes rolling back, still drousy from the operation.

"I'm fine.." She told him. "Calm down." His heart rate had risen. "I was more worried about you."

"Did they operate?" He asked, looking round the room and down at his arm.

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