~Chapter Twelve~

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"Table for 2, please." Layton asked, his arm was round Lexi's waist.

"Right this way." A male server took them round to a small booth in the corner of the restaurant. He gave them both a menu and walked away.

"What do you fancy?" He asked her, looking at the menu.

"I don't mind." She shurgged. "It all looks nice."

"What about drinks?" He switched menus and looked at the drinks menu. "You can drink if you'd like.. I'm happy to drive." He told her.

She smiled. "I might just have one glass."

"You can have any many as you like, as long as you don't get too drunk, beautiful." He told her.

A few minutes later the waitor came back and they ordered drinks and mains.

Layton recahed across the table, holding Lexi's hands. "So... How are you?"

She laughed. "You know I'm good."

"You feeling okay after today?" He checked.

"Yes. I'm not usually great with crowds but I'm glad you were there with me." She admitted. "It was nice, everyone seemed genuinely excited."

"They're happy... " He told her.

"Which shows how much of an amazing alpha you are.." she told him. "Your looks aren't bad either." She added, smiling.

"Not bad?" He asked, raising an eyebrow.

She just smiled, rolling her eyes at him. "Thank you for bringing me out."

"You're welcome... I want to be able to treat you." He told her.

"I'm still going out pay half." She said.

"No you're not." He kissed her hand, she was going to argue back but he started speakig again. "I don't care, Lexi. I like spending my money on you, a man should be able to take his lady for dinner once in a while."

"If you insist." She rolled her eyes again.

"You like rolling your eyes at me tonight, don't you?" He told her, smiling.

"Problem?" She asked.

"No..." He said, the drinks arrived and he took a sip from his glass. "It's just unlike you to be so confident."

"I'm getting there." She told him.

"Oh, I know you are.." He leant in and smirked. "That wink earlier was a sign of that." He told her quietly and she just smiled.

"I just feel bad that you're waiting." She admitted.

"Don't. We've spoken about this, waiting doesn't bother me, Lexi... Plus, the wait is going to be worth it."

"You saw a glimpse of what you're getting earlier.. You weren't meant to be looking." She told him.

"I couldn't help myself, I apologize." He kissed her hand again and they both smiled.

Their conversations were light and playful, they both discovered more and more about each other as time went on and it made Lexi more confident and trusting.

Their bond was pulling them closer together, and they were both extremely happy. The sparks still tingled every time they touched hands, or when Layton about his arm round her waist, but it gave them both excitement and surprise.

They walked out of the restaurant when they were done and Layton walked passed the car, Lexi frowned.

"Come with me." He told her, holding out his hand.

It was nearly almost dark now, but they walked down the path and towards the lake that stood infront of the restaurant. The path were all lit up and the lake reflected them.

"Are you okay walking in your heels?" He checked. She nodded, putting her head on his arm as they walked.

They walked round the lake peacefully, and looked acorss it. The moon was rising at the other side.

"I love the moon."

"Do you think the moon goddess looks down much? From... Wherever she is?" Lexi asked.

"I think she would... I know our world is pretty fucked up, but it's still amazing. There's so many beautiful things in it." He paused, looking at Lexi. " Like you."

She just blushed, looking into his eyes which were reflecting the light form the moon.

"I'm so happy." She told him. "You make me so happy."

He grinned, holding onto her waist and resting his forehead against hers. He didn't move, just looked at her lovingly.

She moved her hands up his sides and over his biceps, along his collarbone and up his neck.. resting her hands on his cheeks.

She lifted herself up onto her tip toes and went to lean in, their lips hovering together for a few seconds before Layton gave in and kissed her softly. He kept her close and she didn't try to pull away, kissing him back.

He kissed her a few times, pulling away slowly each time to give her the opportunity to say no, but she didn't stop him.

She pulled on his neck as he was about to stop and kissed him a few more times, before easing off and letting go. He held her close, grining widely.

"Thank you." She told him.

"No. Thank you.. you made my day. Infact, you've made my day every day since I met you. You're amazing, Lexi. You're so amazing." He kissed her shoulder, not letting go of their embrace.

They walked back to the car quietly. He unlocked the car and his phone started to ring.

"Don't worry, get it." Lexi told him, kissing his cheek and climbing into the car.

He picked up the call, from Corey.

"What's up?" He asked.

"Can you come to the pack house? Now?" He asked urgently.

"What's wrong?" He asked, he climbed into the car and indicated for Lexi to put her seatbelt on.

"You were told in the breif that there was a set of border patrol guards and warriors that were about to finish their training, they've ditched the fucking rotas and gone off partying at the fire pit and no one's been on border patrol or on guard duty for the last three hours. 14 rogues got in, they're secured now, but no one will fucking listen to me." He explained quickly.

"I'll meet you there, get them secured into lockable cells in type 2 handcuffs, disable their mind links and give them shots... and for the guards, warriors and border patrol..  well..  I'll deal with them." He hung up after Corey replied and started driving quickly.

"What's up?" She asked.

"The guys that are about to finish training have one off partying. 14 rogues got in... They were 2 weeks away form finishing training." He told her.


"Bare it in mind that it takes 2-3 years to fully train a border patrol guard or normal guard or warrior.."

"Are you okay?" She asked.

"No. I'm fucking pissed." His hands gripped the steering wheel. She put her hand on his thigh, trying to help him calm down. "Don't, beautiful. I'll snap at you, and I don't want to."

She took her hand off of his thigh.

"They're not getting away with this."

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