03 | châteauneuf-du-pape

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"How about Lola?"

"I mean I did sleep with Jeremy in year twelve so, do you think she'd be over that yet?" Kylie bit her lip lightly, a habit which had followed her around since high school.

"I feel this would be a whole lot easier if you hadn't slept with half of the guest list or their boyfriends." Elijah rolled his eyes which seemed to have been instinctive to him since Kylie's arrival less than twenty-four hours ago.

They had been sitting in Jess's mothers' lounge room for nearly two hours trying to create a wedding guest list and it was going absolutely terrible due to the fact that Kylie either had beef with or had slept with pretty much everyone's boyfriend, father, uncle or grandfather.

"Half is a bit lenient, I'm thinking more eighty to ninety percent of the guest list, darling." Kylie winked jokingly at Elijah. She considered it a talent how she was able to get on Elijah's last nerves from merely a few words leaving her mouth, and she absolutely loved it.

"Kylie, my love. There won't be a guest list at this rate. You'll just have to be as civil as possible and try not to cause a scene." Mrs Myers said, the frustration growing in her voice with each word. Jess's mum had never liked Kylie. Kylie was a walking-talking mess in her opinion. She had come from a broken home with a mother who had been in the funny farm for god knows what reason and now Kylie was determined to make it her mission to sleep with the entire male population. She didn't want her precious innocent daughter Jess to ever be associated with such...trash.

But since the two had met, donkey years ago every argument concerning Kylie had been completely and utterly futile. She didn't know what sort of black magic Kylie had done on her daughter, all she knew was that Jess would defend Kylie until she was blue in the face and that was that.

"Yes, of course Patricia." Kylie responded, the sarcasm dripping from each word. The feelings were completely mutual from Kylie's side.

"Call me Pattie please, Kylie."

"So, Lola's a yes then?" Jess finally spoke, breaking the deafening silence.  She made a face at Elijah which was supposed to say 'say something to ease this tension please, Elijah' but either he wasn't quite understanding or probably, more likely was enjoying Jess's mum laying into Kylie, as most of the feelings Pattie had towards Kylie were similar to his feelings towards her.

"Yup, who's next?" Kylie responded.

"Caleb, you know the blonde guy in our Math class, he's actually my work colleague now." Jess said.

Pattie, Jess and Elijah instantly stared at Kylie, waiting to hear how she'd had a one-night stand with him, or cheated on him and how it'd be way too awkward for the two of them to be in the same room again as had been the case with nearly all the other wedding guests.

"What? I haven't slept with him, I promise!"

All three concurrently let out a breath of relief, finally they were getting somewhere with the guest list.

"...But we went on a date once, and he took me home and I might have accidently hooked up with his brother Matt, and he kinda, sorta walked in on us?" Kylie explained tentatively, waiting for the backlash.

"Oh, for fucks sake." Elijah's hands flew to his head and he ran his hair through his curly mane, clearly exasperated.

* * * * *

"Well, that wasn't so bad, was it?" Kylie muttered once they'd returned back to the house and she plopped herself down onto the black matted couch, next to Elijah, who seemed absolutely bemused by this strange creature who was the one-and-only Kylie.

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