33 | elijah and kylie

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The day had finally arrived.

Jess had been incessantly crossing off each day leading up to her big day on her calendar. And finally, it was here.

As cliché as it sounded, it really was the day that Jess had been dreaming of ever since her childhood. She'd always been prone to rummaging through her parent's bedroom drawers in search of their photo albums containing pictures of their wedding day.

They'd looked so satisfied, cradling one another in their arms. The word happy was too mediocre to describe the emotions that the photos conveyed. Jess had only hoped that she and Elijah could share a fraction of the contentment that her parents' had seemed to share on their own big day.

In Jess's mind, her marriage to Elijah had always seemed inevitable since they'd first become boyfriend and girlfriend at the tender age of sixteen. It was almost indescribable how close they'd been; two hearts beating as one.

And today would mark the start of something new. The birth of their new life together.

Pattie and Cody sat waiting in the lounge of Pattie's home. The mother and son sitting in impressive silence as they awaited the arrival of the bride-to-be.

With the wedding being just over an hour away, the limousine that had been pre-ordered would be arriving in approximately fourty-five minutes to take Jess safely and promptly to the Church venue.

The two had yet to see the young bride in her wedding attire as she had been being beautified by the array of make-artists who had arrived nearly two hours prior. But Pattie could barely contain her excitement. She'd arranged the entire day precisely to ensure that there'd be no slip-ups.

The only thing that hadn't quite gone to plan had been the arrival of Jess's maid of honour; Kylie. Or the lack thereof.

Although Pattie hardly believed this to be a setback. It'd probably be for the best if the girl didn't turn up at all during the wedding ceremony.

Pattie kept her hopes high, if Kylie hadn't bothered to show her face during the hen night, then surely that meant she wouldn't show up during the wedding either? Jess had said that she was still grieving for the death of her older brother and as heartless as it may sound, Pattie was glad. It gave Kylie the perfect excuse as to why she couldn't show up. And finally, Pattie was glad that the girl had lost someone whom she'd loved and was suffering, just as Jess would have had suffered if the truth about the affair had been revealed.

Pattie and Cody heard the sound of a heel meeting the glass tiled floor and both their heads jerked upwards in response.

The bride-to-be was finally ready.

A very traditional creamy-white gown clung to Jess's petite frame.

The soft, satin-like fabric curving around her bust, providing a rather shy sneak-peak of cleavage. The dress enveloped inwards at her waist, exemplifying her toned body and giving a strong impression of an hourglass figure. The gown floated down her legs in a mermaid-like trail set behind her.

Her burnt orange hair had been scooped upwards in an elegant bun, a few soft spirals lining the sides of her face.

Natural was what she'd told the make-up artists before they'd begun painting her face. And natural was what she got.

Minimal eye-shadow was visible, a slight tinge of pink sat upon her cheekbones, her eyebrows were carefully filled to amplify her natural arch and a peach toned lipstick sat upon her lips.

"Oh, Jessica! You look so beautiful." Pattie whispered, overcome with sudden emotion as she wiped a tear from the corner of her eye.

"Yeah...you really do, Jess." Cody nodded in agreement as he gazed up at his sister. He'd never been the best brother so it'd come as more than just a bit of a shock when she'd asked him to walk her down the aisle instead of their mother.

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