Chapter One|| A little spell never hurt nobody

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{Rosemarie's POV}

I sat with Eligh in our study as I read a book quietly. He was busy looking over some charts.

The door quietly opened and our maid, who we've known all our lives, walked in grinning.

Eligh looked up from his work as did I.

"I've made your favorites." She said still grinning and Eligh and I looked to one another before darting from our chairs and she laughed moving aside as we bolted for the door.

I ran through it first and down the steps towards the kitchen, but as we neared the bottom Eligh sprinted past me laughing and I skipped two steps to catch up with him.

When he ran over a rug I raised my hand watching it slip out past him and he tumbled to the floor as laughter bubbled within me.

I barged through the kitchen doors and ran in grabbing the plate and backed up as I saw an annoyed Eligh.

"Give me the plate." He said itching towards me and I grinned grabbing a cookie and took a bite.

"Mmm." I mocked.

"You know the rules, finders keepers." I grinned.

"You cheated the rules! You used your magic!" He retorted.

"You're just mad I got mom's gene and you didn't," I replied biting into another cookie and he rolled his eyes.

"Are you two seriously fighting over cookies." I heard and saw my father walk through the doors amused.

"It's Jenna's best homemade dessert, of course, we are," Eligh said and I nodded in agreement.

"There is plenty for both of you, split it," Dad said with a sigh grabbing a bottled water from the fridge.

"I'm a hungry, growing wolf, Dad. I can't just hand them over." I defended.

"She used magic... again." I rolled my eyes and Dad looked at me.

"What have I said about using your magic when your mom isn't around? You don't know your full capabilities yet." He said and I shrugged sitting the plate on the counter but still making them out of Eligh's reach.

"I think she knows enough, she isn't a child." I heard and saw my mom walk in.

"Whoop whoop, mom is on my side. The cookies are mine!" I said dancing.

"But fork over your cookies, you growing child." Mom mocked said and I gasped as Eligh took his chance to swoop in a grab the cookies.

"You traitor," I said looking at my mother who chuckled.

"You both need to start acting more mature. Rosemarie your coronation is in a couple of weeks." I sighed.

"Yeah yeah," I muttered taking a seat at the bar.

I didn't want to be queen. No one believes in me. Everyone thought I was a soon-to-be flop. I glanced at Eligh who looked... bummed.

He should be king. He deserved it.

"I'm going to go to my room." He mumbled walking off and I sighed to get up and go after him but my father held his hand up.

"He needs some time to himself. He'll have to get used to this sooner or later, Rose." He said and I looked towards the door Eligh just left from and my heart physically hurt for him.

He worked so hard growing up. He shadowed my father everywhere he went, he would make drawings of himself as a king, he practically dreamed to become what my father was. The day our parents sat us down and told us I would be taking the throne, both of our worlds shattered.

"I don't see why he can't-" I started to say.

"You were born first. It is the law, Rose. We are not arguing over this anymore." My mother said, cutting me off.

"But that's not fair to him!" I said loudly, "He spent years waiting for this." I added.

"Do not raise your voice with me." She scolded and I clenched my jaw.

My father said nothing as he leaned against the counter. I think he knew Eligh should be King but he would do anything to please my mother.

"Rose, I think you should go to your room. Cooldown a bit, love." My father said softly and I sighed walking over to him.

"You can strip this away from him," I told dad softly and he gave me a look of pity.

"Go, love," he said placing a kiss on the top of my head and I sighed walking to the door pushing it open and walked out.

I stopped once I heard my father speak and put my ear to the door.

"She's right, Scarlett." He said with a more authoritative voice. I never once heard him raise his voice around Eligh or me unless we did something horrible.

"Christian, I can't do this right now. Have you seen the press lately? What they're saying about our daughter?! I walked into Rose's room and she had magazines everywhere. This is affecting her too much." She said in a tired tone.

"Because she isn't fit to be queen! She doesn't take it seriously as Eligh does. She never once cared about the throne as he did. Maybe we should just give the people what they want."

"That doesn't mean she won't make a hell of a Queen. Look where I started and look at me now. I was just deemed the best queen this country has ever seen! She has my legacy to hold up, I believe in her. You're her father, and you should too." My mother defended.

"Scar, I love her so much and she's hurting more and more. She doesn't want this. I see it in her eyes. I sat them down last week and gave them a scenario a king or queen would know how to respond to. Eligh worked out eleven different outcomes, plans, and strategies that I myself hadn't even come up with. Rose barely even came up with one." He said and I looked down at my feet.

"You said who was born first will take the throne and she was. I have faith that she can do this. Don't underestimate her. She is my daughter after all." My mother quickly ended the conversation and I heard the clicking of her heels and I turned heading for the stairs.

I made my way to my room when I heard Eligh talking. His door was cracked and he sounded angry.

"She doesn't even care! I worked my whole life for this and she gets to become queen and sit and look pretty. She doesn't have the brains for it, Alessio. A rock could do a better job than she could. She doesn't even care about what I want either! I can't stand her anymore." He said into the phone and I felt my eyes start to water.

Is everyone against me?

"Tell me about it, man. I bet she'll crack the first week and come begging to me for help." He chuckled and turned seeing me standing there and his eyes widened as he quickly ended the call.

"Rose..." he started but I quickly wiped my tears and turned walking down the hall.

"Rose!" He yelled after me and I walked faster.

I saw a vase on a table in the hall and I rose my hand watching it fly behind me and shatter and I heard his steps halt.

"I don't want to talk to you. Leave me alone." I replied making my way to my door and opened it walking in and shutting it behind me and locked it.

A soft knock was heard on the other side.

"I'm sorry, Rose. I was just mad," he said and I rolled my eyes wiping yet another tear.

I didn't reply as I walked over and sat on my bed and leaned over to my nightstand turning on my radio.

Can't this all just end?








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