Chapter Forty-One|| We're gonna be great

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{Rosemarie's POV}

I watched with a huge smile on my face as Mathias gave over his title to my brother. I never knew if this day would really happen considering Mathias is so attached to The War Pack, but here we were.

My brother raised his hand, promising to Mathias that he'd protect and lead the pack to the best of his abilities, and with the help of a witch doing the ritual, minutes later he was officially The War Pack's alpha.

"Good luck, man," Mathias spoke, delivering a slightly hard pat on my brother's back as he brushed past him.

As Mathias walked up to me I smiled, opening my arms. "I'm proud of you, I know that was hard," I mumbled as he walked into my arms, pulling me into a tight hug.

I felt Mathias rest his chin on the top of my head. "Yeah, but I trust your brother, and technically I still own this pack. You know... King and all." He teased and I let out a small laugh.

"Are you mocking me from the first time I came here?"


I gave him a playfully smack on the back and he chuckled, pulling back. "You ready to go talk to Alpha Ivy? She has a proposal apparently." He reminded.

"Yes, there is no telling what that girl is up to." I grinned. "But, nonetheless, I'm excited."

"Oh I'm sure you are. AJ isn't going to be there right? You three are trouble together."

He was referring to last weekend when we three girls got together to celebrate me becoming queen. It ended in me having way too many shots and AJ having to carry me to Mathias since I was completely passed out.

"No, she isn't going to be there and no there are no shots involved this time."

"Good, I don't want to clean puke out of your hair again." He teased.

"Don't remind me. It's not my proudest moment," I shuddered, walking away from him.

"For better or for worse, right?" He called out and I responded by raising my hand, shooting him the bird.

If my mother would have seen me do that, she would have killed me. Luckily, not many were around.

"Hello, Alpha Eligh." I bowed and Eligh laughed, shaking his head.

"Has a ring to it, honestly."

"You're not gonna miss being called the prince?" I asked, watching him shrug.

"Not really. Honestly? I love being an alpha. It's stressful, sure, but nothing like trying to be a king. Mathias is perfect for that role. The moon goddess really worked all this out perfectly."

"I think so too. I'm happy to see your smile again, Eligh."

"I could say the same for you, Rose." He winked, looking away as a guy approached him.

"You have a call for you, sir."

"Thanks, Shane, I'll be right there." I watched the man retreat with a confused look.

"Who's that?"

"That's my beta, Shane."

"Is that...?"

"Alaric's son? Yep. He was Mathias' beta but he's a great beta and a respectful man, so I wasn't gonna kick him out of his position."

"That's nice of you."

"Yeah, for the most part, I'm keeping Mathias' pack the same. He really worked hard to make this pack the best and I tend to keep it that way."

"Well, I think Mathias will appreciate that." I looked around seeing Mathias waiting by the door impatiently. "I need to go before Mathias drags me out. We have a meeting, but I'll be in touch okay?"

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