Chapter Twelve|| Nikobe

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{Mathias' POV}

"Why isn't she waking up?!" I nearly yelled, pacing the floor.

It had been a full day and she was still unconscious.

"Mathias, the ritual takes time for her body to settle. Be calm." Alara replied and I gritted my teeth.

"She is my mate! And I let her do this! Goddess, I am so stupid. What if she's hurt?! What if no one chose her vessel?"

"Mathias, she is a powerful being. They all would want her. Give it time." Scarlett piped in.

This wait was almost unbearable. I hadn't left her side the whole day, just in case she woke up earlier than expected, but nothing happened.

"Why don't you go take a nap, take a hot shower to relax, and we'll notify you if anything happens. You stressing this worse than it already is isn't going to help anything or anyone. Please, for the sake of yourself...just go rest up." I shook my head at the Queen.

"I'm not leaving her like this, I'm not sleeping until she wakes up, and I won't rest until I know she's okay."

Scarlett sighed, nodding. "Whatever you feel is best, Mathias."

I just let out a deep breath and continued my pacing. Millions of questions were filling my mind. Is she okay? What was happening? Were they treating her well? What will happen when she wakes up? Will she wake up?

Goddess, I needed a drink.

"What if we-" Alara stopped talking when we heard a gasp of air.

Rosemarie shot up on the table, looking straight ahead with wide eyes. Slowly, she started to look around as she took in everything. I quickly made my way to her side and when she looked at me, her eyes were blood red.

"It worked..." I mumbled and Alara grinned walking over with Scarlett.

"Howdie there cowgirl." she mused.

Rosemarie looked at her almost confused. Slowly, her eyes drifted back to the room, looking it over again.

"Weird," she mumbled.

"Rose?" I asked, trying to get her attention.

"Rose, sweetie, are you feeling okay? What happened?" her mother asked.

"I-I am Nikobe." The voice spoke and my eyes widened.

Her lycan was in control.

She shook her head slightly. "Sorry, this whole world is new to me. I've been trapped in that realm for hundreds of years. Everything looks so different, and after what just head is a bit fuzzy."

"What happened?" I couldn't help but ask.

"Many ancestors were fighting over Rosemarie, trying to take her vessel by force. It is a very painful experience. I met Rosemarie before they all came, but I fear them so I left before they could show. Though I just knew something wasn't right and I went back to see them all trying to latch onto her. It made me...mad, upset even. So I stopped them and asked Rosemarie to take my hand so we could merge and leave before they could retaliate, and here we are." she explained in the softest voice I've ever heard.

"Could you give control back to Rose, please? I need to speak with her." I feared she wouldn't, liking the new body she was in, but surprisingly she nodded and I watched as her eyes went from that blood red back to the beautiful brown that never seems to leave my mind lately.

Rosemarie's eyes filled with instant tears. "It was so scary in there." she croaked out.

"T-they were all coming at me a-and I didn't know what to do, but Nikobe saved me and-" when her voice cracked, giving out, I pulled her to my side instantly and she buried her head into my chest letting out a sob.

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