Chapter Twenty-Seven|| Problems in the making

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{Rosemarie's POV}

I looked in the mirror amazed by the magic Emerald worked on my wounds. There was no trace of them and I felt so much better than before. The constant stinging and aching were no longer present, which I was thankful for.

I walked out of the bathroom and saw Emerald, Emerson, and Mathias standing around talking. They turned to look at me and I gave them a thumbs up with a small smile.

"So you're feeling better, it worked well?" Emerald asked with an excited expression.

"Yes, honestly it feels and looks as if it was never there," I replied and Mathias let out a breath of relief.

"Good, I hated seeing you in pain." He mumbled, looking away from my gaze.

I made my way to him, leaning up on my tiptoes to place a kiss on his cheek. He tried to fight back his smile by clearing his throat, directing his attention to the twins. "Would you two care to stay a little longer so we can talk at the problem at hand?"

"Of course," Emerson replied and Mathias nodded, motioning for us to follow him.

Minutes later we were sitting around the conference table.

"So, the problem that has been occurring is the apparent sacrifices that are being made. Why would a lycan or a witch do that? Which do you think could have done something like that?" Mathias asked.

"Well, there can be a number of reasons. For lycans, it's more of foreshadowing a situation. They usually do something like that to show their power. The way the sacrifices are placed around the pack makes me think it's more of a lycans doing. They are showing that they don't care about the borders you have and they will get in and get what they want. A witch would be more brutal and forceful. Plus, if a witch was wanting to terrorize anyone from the royals, Scarlett would pick up on it if they neared her pack as well as they wouldn't just do a sacrifice, they would give it their all." Emerald replied and Emerson nodded in agreement.

"So, do you know why they lycans would be wanting to get in here?" Emerson raised a brow.

"I think they want me or something. I was a potential vessel and I bonded with Nikobe instead." I mumbled, not liking the idea of it.

"I think it's more Nikobe they are after. After all, she kicked their ass before saving you and taking a very strong vessel." Mathias added.

Emerson and Emerald glanced at each other as if they knew something we didn't.

"What?" I asked, confused.

"'s just odd that they would be coming after her. I mean, yeah she may have pissed them off but lycans don't usually hunt down other lycans. They're usually just happy to have a vessel to bond with."

"She said others were coming," I mumbled, the thought hit me hard.

"What?" They asked, confused.

"The lycan that attacked me. I've been so out of it the past few days that I forgot. She said more will come. That someone has awoken the ancestors and they will rise back to the top where they belong." I quickly looked to Mathias as worry washed over me.

His jaw clenched in anger. Specks of red danced around in his eyes and Emerald and Emerson straightened in their seats, sensing his anger rising.

"I knew it!" He growled out, angrily standing to his feet.

I jumped at the movement, looking up at him with fear present in my eyes. His eyes softened once he looked over to me.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to frighten you."

"It's okay." I stuttered out.

"What did you know, Mathias?" Emerald asked, her tone more serious.

"All these ancestors are coming to new vessels but...there are just too many leaving the realm. It's not just some lycan ancestor gene anymore. If someone has woken the ancestors that only means one thing..."

"There's another full lycan out there. They're giving people the gift of their bite." Emerson clarified.

My jaw dropped slightly in shock. "What are we going to do?!"

"If they're doing all this for power...they're going to challenge me. I know it. I'm the alpha of all lycans right now. They want that power. That is why they are doing all these mind games." My heart sunk at the information.

"Challenge you?! Do you have to follow through with it?"

"He has to, Rose. It's one of the lycans most sacred laws." Emerald gave me a sad look and I looked to my hands in thought.

I cannot lose him...or let him get hurt. I just can't.

"Don't worry, love. I'm not gonna let anymore harm you." Mathias spoke, turning my chair so he could squat in front of me, taking my hands in his.

"It's not me I'm worried about, Mathias."

"Can y'all give us the room?" He asked the twins who nodded, leaving without any hesitation.

"Rose, look at me."

Slowly, my eyes met his. He brought his hand up to rest on my cheek. "I am going to be fine. I was trained for something like this. I'm more powerful than I let on. Though, I do need to mark you now more than ever. I can channel our bond, making me stronger than I am now. Though I'll only do so when you're ready, but keep that in mind."

I felt like I was ready to be marked, but the thought scared me. That was a big step for us and I didn't want him doing it just because he thought it would make him stronger. I want him to want it as much as I do.

"Okay... but I don't think I'm ready yet," I replied, looking away from him.

"That's fine. When you're ready then."

"I think we need to inform my parents," I stated, changing the subject.

"Agreed, let's go find them."





What do you think will happen next?

A new chapter is available on Radish. 

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