Chapter Thirty|| Magic of sin

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{Rosemarie's POV}

"Again," Emerald spoke and I growled.

"I can't do it."

"Yes, you can. If you want to learn magic, you have to have hope. Find it in your soul." Emerson stated.

I sighed focusing on my target. It was a target mannequin a few feet away. I just stared at it, my anger boiling. So many emotions were taking over and I couldn't focus.

Emerson came to my right side and Emerald on my left as they both leaned in closer to me. "Calm down," Emerson nearly whispered.

"Feel the magic pumping through your body. Take your anger and use it to your advantage." Emerald spoke softly.

"Say this to yourself slowly: Magic of sin," Emerson suggested.

"What does it mean?"

"It's the motto we use to help morph our anger into power. Using anger to spell is a sin, but it is what will defeat your enemy. Magic of sin, say it."

"Magic of sin," I mumbled.

I slowly repeated it a few times and it was as if everything became clear as I locked my sights on my target again.

"Perfect, now take your enemy down." Emerson grinned and Emerald nodded.

It was as if I had two little devils on my shoulders talking to me.

The thought of the full Lycan trying to kill me entered my mind and before I realized, my hands raised as a snarl left me. I clenched my fist and as I did, my target went up into flames.

"Perfect," Emerald smirked.

"You've learned defensive magic today. Now, remember it. Use our motto and you will be able to achieve anything. We believe in you, Rose. We'll see you tomorrow to practice some more." Emerson smiled.

"Thanks, guys, I appreciate it," I replied and Emerald smiled, placing her hand on my forearm.

"If there is anyone who can take this beast down, it's you. You're a tribrid after all. Remember that."

I watched as they retreated, the familiar sounds of thunder cracking around us as they headed to their cars. So much power resided in them and I wondered just how they controlled it so easily.

"Rose," Mathias called out and I turned seeing him heading my way.

"Hey," I smiled and when he made his way to me, he was quick to pull me to him, placing a kiss on my forehead.

"How did training go?"

"It was good. I finally learned to summon fire against targets. I also learned some more defensive magic earlier when they first got here."

"That's good!"

" I need to go get ready."

"Right, same."

There was a big charity event at the Intelligence Pack tonight we all had to attend.

We walked back to the palace hand in hand. I couldn't think about anything else but my potential death in the near future. I knew I was strong with Nikobe and magic on my side, but knowing how powerful Mathias is as a full lycan made me wonder what exactly this other full lycan was capable of.

Once I was inside the palace, I was quick to be ushered upstairs to get ready.

I showered, just thinking everything over. I was terrified, but I couldn't let fear win without even trying to give this fight my all.

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