Chapter Twenty Five

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I had lock up myself in this room for a week not even going outside to get something to eat, but I didn't care.

I felt tired of all the pretending that I did when I knew that wasn't who the real me is. My walls were broken and it would take time to mend it back up and my patience is wearing thin everyday.

All alone with no one to talk to, I just felt like it was time to give up and reflect on the times when things were actually all rainbows and candy sweet for me, but as time goes by I just get bitter inside.

Anna wasn't even speaking to me and it was all my fault for being selfish.

Elise on the other hand was growing tired and I feared that one day she would just vanish completely leaving me all alone.

She was my other half since we came from the same womb. We were always by each other side and never did anything without the other. It was as if we would die if we were separated and now that's exactly how I am feeling.

In case you was wondering, Elise and I are twins and Anna is our older sister. She was the one who was looking after us when our parents past away and I feel like she is the one who deserves to be in the real world.

I would trade our places in a heartbeat, because without her, Elise and I wouldn't have survived as long as we did, and right now all I wanted to do was end my life.

Something from my last encounter with Omar just triggered something within me that I never was there. All the emotions that I didn't want and memories from the past had just suddenly resurfaced and kept playing like a broken record in my mind.

It was driving me insane and I just wanted it to all stop, but I didn't know how to do that.

I felt like ripping all my hair out and scratching at my skin, but Elise was the only thing preventing me from doing so.

Her in the form of my Dolly was the only thing keeping me away from the tub filled with water in the bathroom and for that I was thankful.

A loud pounding came from the door before I heard Alexander's voice.

"Nyx! I know you're in there! Open this door right now." His voice sounded like a mixture between him and his wolf, but right now I was too drained to stand up.

There were a few more knocks before the door just crashed open revealing a worried and angry Alexander.

In a flash he was by my side as he lifted me up off the bed and into his arms.

"What's wrong? Are you sick? How are you feeling?" All these questions was just making my head spin, since I was in a room by myself for a week with no sound, except for when Omar or someone else tried to get me out of the room.

"Everything is just the way it is supposed to be," I slurred.

My eyes became heavy and my throat was itching. My body was giving up on me since I hadn't eaten anything for a week and my body had to support two beings instead of just one.

"She loves you deeply," I smiled up at him, as I touched his cheek with my palm before letting my eyes close shut.

Hey Guys! Two updates in one day! Whoo hoo. Well anyways some information is revealed in this part, so hopefully everyone understands some things now.

Anyways, bye and until the next chapter. Mwah :)

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