Chapter Thirty Two

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A few days have passed and Elise and I bonded in a way we never imagined was possible. Wherever she was, so was I and the other way around. We never parted unless it was to use the bathroom. The pack members were even a little bit afraid of us.

We were just coming back to the pack house when we sensed our sister's presence. It wasn't very strong but it wasn't weak either. Our eyes lit up as we raced to the house with our bags in our hands.

"Where is she?" We both asked at the same time as we managed to enter through the door together. I scanned the place, my eyes going in every which way, but I didn't see her.

"Who are you looking for?" A kind looking woman, with dark brown hair and light blue eyes asked. I had saw her a few times before but never stopped to say hi or anything.

"Freckles, curly red hair, blue eyes," I said, describing her to the woman who seemed to think I was saying a joke.

"Are you describing your twin except for the freckles part?" She chuckled, but we were being completely serious.

"No, she isn't. We are looking for a woman who has short red hair which is much curlier than ours and seems to be around twenty five years," Elise said a bit harsh, but we were both eager to meet our sister.

We hadn't expected to come so soon, but it was better than waiting for a longer period of time.

"Oh," the woman said as her eyes widened. "They took her to the basement," she said quickly, before rushing off on her own business.

Elise and I looked at each other before speeding off to the basement. I was ahead of her as she followed behind closely since she was still new to this place. We could hear a deep male's voice questioning someone as we approached.

We banged the door open to see Anna sitting on a metal chair surrounded by three of Alexander's men. The one who was questioning her had light brown hair and a very muscular build. 

"Step away from her!" Elise and I said together, but mine came out more like a growl. I guess that's what happens when you hang around with dogs. One day you will wake up and realize you bark.

"Alpha gave us strict orders to question her until we get answers," he replied back, not even looking at us.

"I don't give a shit about what your Alpha said," Elise yelled, stretching out the word your. "But if any of you dare do anything to her, I will have your heads on a silver platter," she threatened as a proud smile came onto my face.

"Y'all heard her! Get out now before it's to late to change your mind!" I barked at them, sending them out the door to go complain to the Alpha.

As soon as they were out of the room, Elise shut the door as I rushed towards Anna. 

"Adelfí," we all yelled as we run to give each other a group hug. It felt so good to be surrounded by family once again after so long.

"So why did you decide to show up early?" Elise asked when we were done hugging. It was a question Elise and I were both dying to know but a part of us already knew the answer.

"He's here and he is not leaving without us," she said, her eyes were now filled with sadness as she held both our hands in hers. 

"Who's here?"

Picture is Anna 

Hey guys!Hope you are having a good day or night. In case you are wondering adelfi means sister, so need to go search it up. Anyways, I hope you are enjoying this story so far and I am thinking of ending it on chapter forty (maybe).

So let me know what you guys are thinking and have a wonderful time wherever you may be. 

Bye and until the next chapter :)

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