Chapter Five

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Alejandro had a dark look in his eyes as he got a hold on my foot and slowly dragged me towards him. His lust filled eyes roaming my body as a smirk made its way to his face and I instantly knew where this was going.

"Okay, I'm sorry Alejandro. It won't happen again," I cried out, while shaking my leg in hopes of getting his hand off of me but failed. 

He didn't say anything as I was roughly pulled into his hard chest as he breathed in my scent. His hands made their way to my waist as he tightly hold me in place so that I couldn't get out of his hold.

He slammed me onto the wall as one of his hands rested on my butt and the other was cupping my breast as his thumb brushed over my nipples. I tried to get out of his hold but he pressed his body on mine and I could feel his hard member.

"Alejandro, stop this," I said, my voice barely above a whisper as memories of the past came flooding into my mind. 

"Oh Nyx," he said, dragging out my name as he left a trail of kisses down my neck. "If I remember correctly, you wasn't saying that the last time when you was here. In fact, you was begging for more."

A plan danced into my mind as I put on a sweet smile. I know it wouldn't be long before my wonderful brain got me out of this situation.

"Oh yes," I said seductively, as I leaned in and began kissing his lips and it wasn't soon before he started kissing back. He was asking for entrance which I denied, before I bit down on his lip as hard as I could before I could taste his blood.

In a flash he was off me while letting out a string of curse words and I took that as my chance to escape. Without another thought, I was out the door and into the kitchen before grabbing one of the sharpest knives that I could get my hand on.

"What do you want me to do?" Elise asked as she came bouncing in the kitchen. 

Throwing a knife at her which she easily caught, I then responded. "Go look for Anna and then meet me at the back door," I instructed her as she nodded her head and then quickly run off to do as told.

I didn't have to wait long before a fuming Alejandro came into sight with a bloody lip and eyes that screamed danger. 

"When I get my hands on you Nyx, I will fuck you so badly that you won't be able to sit for weeks," he said, getting closer to me as I hid the knife behind my back and waited for the right moment.

He was now standing right in front of me and was about to slap me when I stabbed him in the chest before beginning to chant in my first tongue. "Xaplóste tóra kai koimitheíte polý." (Sleep now and sleep long.)

He was trying to pull out the knife when he fell to the ground and I speedily run over to the back door to see my sisters waiting for me. Elise held the knife which I had gave her but was now covered in blood tightly in her hands.

"We have to go save the boys," Anna said as we all began running away from the house and to who knows where.

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