Chapter Thirty Three

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Elise and I had just come back from the mall with our dates and were heading back to the pack, when we sensed something was wrong. In our sister bond, we could feel each others presence whenever near, but Anna's link to our connection was missing.

"What's wrong?" Alexander asked, seeing our worried expressions. 

After Elise had almost rip his head off for what he did to our sister, we forgave him and we explained everything once again to him.

"Anna," we said in unison as we looked at one another. We knew that she would never just abandon us without an explanation because she was very protective and would always try to do everything in her power to protect us. She was basically our mother.

"She's gone," Elise said, as if trying to convince herself that she had really live us all alone.

"How do you know that? She could still be somewhere in the pack," Omar said, as he tried to make us feel better but I honestly just wanted to smack the back of his head.

"Have you not been listening to me. I told you about our bond and hers is missing, like it just vanished without a trace," I all but yelled at him. I had explained my whole situation to him to the best of my ability and it seemed that he hadn't fully understand what I was trying to say just yet.

Without saying another word, I rushed into the pack house and ran straight to her room nearly eating my teeth three times, before kicking open her door. 

Her room would look normal to the naked eye, but it was anything but normal. Furniture was broken, the curtains were torn just like the bed sheets. Blood stained the carpet and walls and it was just not a pretty sight to look at. 

As I was about to to into her bathroom, Alexander, Omar and Elise appeared into the room. Elise eyes widened as she looked around the room.

"Everything seems normal," Omar commented as he and his brother looked around the room, but Elise and I both knew what this meant.

Going into the bathroom, the walls were covered in blood but it didn't belong to Anna. Written on the mirror were the words, 'You either come to me or I will come to you.' Instantly I knew who it was.

Going back into the room, I saw Alexander trying to comfort Elise. "Let's go Elise. We have somewhere we need to be," I said, as she tried to get out of Alexander's hands, but he didn't let go.

All of a sudden, Omar threw me over his shoulder as his hands wrapped around my feet, preventing me from kicking him.

"We're truly sorry for doing this but we can't let you go," Alexander said, as he carried Elise out of the room with Omar trailing behind him with me on his shoulder. "As your mates, it is our responsibility to keep you safe at all costs."

Elise and I kept our mouths shut as they threw us into a room and locked the door. Looking around the room, I saw that the windows had bars so that cancelled out my escape plan, but I didn't really care about that.

"Funny how one minute they told us how much we meant to them and here they are just locking us away," Elise chuckled as she took my hand in hers. I allowed her to see what I had saw on the bathroom mirrors as she let out a sigh.

"I knew it wouldn't be long til he came to get us," she sighed again while resting her head on my shoulder as we sat on the small bed that was resting against the wall.


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