Chapter Two

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I couldn't believe that I had actually just agreed to his terms because I had sealed everything and there was no going back. Once you make a deal with a man as powerful as he is, then you are done for.

Basically saying, I was done for.

"Do you know how beautiful you look when you are thinking," Alejandro said, snapping me out of my thoughts as his hands touched my cheek.

I smiled up at him before speaking. "If only you knew how gorgeous you would be if you were covered in blood," I retorted, as I backed away from him.

He let out a dark chuckle as his eyes darkened. "You better watch your tone young lady or I just might have to punish you." His signature smirk on his face.

I needed some rest and was not in the mood to give attitude and I really wanted to see my sisters.

"Where are my sisters? I need to speak to them." My tone was a bit harsh but he was the one who brought us all here and I wasn't planning on behaving myself.

"Manners darling," he said, shaking his finger at me as if he was scolding a child. "Elise is with Adrian and Anna is with Antonio. They have both taken a liking to your sisters you know."

He let out a small chuckle at my expression when he mentioned his friends liking my sisters, but if only he knew the crazy thoughts that was running around in my mind just begging to be put into action.

"Can I see them please?" I asked like a little child. My voice was high pitched as I widened my eyes and pouted.

"That won't work on me darling,' he said, causing me to groan at my failed attempt of persuasion. I knew there was no use in begging so I kept my mouth shut.

He looked at me, his silver eyes swirling with unsaid emotions that I wanted to decipher. He was like a puzzle that I wanted to solve badly because if I did, then I might just move myself from this mess.

"Where will I be sleeping?" I asked, wanting some time alone so that I could try to reach out to Omar even if it wasn't a good idea.

"Come with me," he said, getting up as I did the same. We went through the familiar hallways which I used to love running through as a child.

"Here," he gestured, when we were in a brown and white room with the same wooden furniture that looked brand new.

Hanging from the top of the bed was a picture of him in a golden frame which had me shocked. Witches never had photos of themselves or family members unless they were dead.

He really must have gotten a lot more power then if he was able to have it.

"Well thanks for the lovely room, you may now leave," I said, wishing he was out of the room so I could begin my little plan.

"This is our room sweetheart." He took a step closer to me but I just ignored him as I went to the bed and grabbed a pillow and the covers and placed them on the chair.

He looked at me never saying a word, as I arranged everything comfortably on the chair before jumping on it.

"You truly are a wonderful girl," he said, before he exited the room.

Time to do a little spell.

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