Part 11A

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Raas na aya rehna door kya kijay...

A week ago

Khushi was furiously stuffing the clothes in her cupboard muttering something or the other under her breath. After a few minutes she huffed before climbing on the table and sitting over it cross legged with the box of 'channas' in her hand.

Gobbling one after the other she would make a face and that's all Payal could take as she has been observing her sister's frustration ever since she has come back from outside. She has told him that she was going to get something from the market but now she knew better. She thought that her sister would herself blurt out after it will become unbearable for her but this time she hasn't so she has to dig the reason herself.

With that thoughts she sighed and addressed her whilst sitting on their bed.

"Is he really that upset like you are here?" Payal asked simply.

"Upset? Talk about being over pissed at that." Khushi said in her own world before her head jerked to her sister who was giving her a knowing look.

"Did you really think you can hide things from me Khushi? I know Babuji's refusal would hurt both of you. Why didn't you tell Babuji that you want to marry Arnavji? You had the perfect opportunity to tell your feelings when he asked you yesterday before refusing Raizadas. Then why Khushi?"

"Jiji, no one is more important for me more than Babuji. He can never decide anything bad for me."

"Seriously Khushi? You think Arnav Singh Raizada is bad? Then why did you say yes to get engaged to him? Why didn't you tell Babuji that you committed yourself to Arnavji?" Payal was getting doubtful with every passing second.

''Did he hurt you again Khushi?" Payal narrowed her eyes.

Khushi swallowed.

"You have three options Khushi. One stay silent and let your father refuse. Two do something and make him agree. Third give a damn to your morals and marry me in court without your family's blessings."

"Either two marriages will happen or none will."

"Tell me Khushi?" She shook her sister now coming to stand before her. "I thought he had changed. Has he?" Payal was getting suspicious with her silence.

Khushi stared at her jiji's protective stance.

"Yes. He has changed. He has changed s-so much." She gulped her hurt.

Of course he has changed. Once he used to loathe her and didn't want to see her face and now he wants to marry her, keep her close. Why? She has certainly no idea. He was ready to go to any length to make her his. Why? Just to prove that he has upper hand. He always had.

"Thank god. I thought he hurt you again." Payal hugged her sister and that's why failed to notice the eyes of her sister welling up.

Khushi embraced her back tightly as her mind wondered back to today's morning.

"But. But. If you chose the first option. You will have to bear the consequences.

"I will give you 24 hours to return my money that is one million 13 lacs or I would sue your sweet shop this time myself."

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