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Xavier POV:

I was already feeling so useless as I didn't know what to do about Stella. But like that was not enough there was some jerk messing around with my company's working system and my mail account. It was an emergency situation, all my upcoming projects and my present deals were in danger. My team of computer programmers were working on it but it was of no use.

Suddenly I remembered that last year Lucas had gone through a similar problem but then he got out of it by the help of some techno expert. I had to contact to him.

After contacting him I got to know that the techno expert who resolved his problem was none other than my other problem, Stella.
Wow I should clap for my messed up life.
I got her number from Lucas.

I called her and then she picked up after two rings,

'' hey Xavier, what's up!''

''how did you know that it's I.''

''from the caller ID''.

''You have my phone number?''

''of course''

'' why? Am I your secret crush?''

''absolutely not''

''Xavier, I thought you had a serious problem?'' said Lucas

''yeah, Stella I need you right now''

''shut up you pervert''

''No! I mean I need you right now to help me''

Wow that was close.

''for what?''

I need to do this.

''Stella, I'm looking for the world's best hacker right now to help me. Do you think you are the one?''

''I'm coming to prove it to you''

I knew it, she likes challenges.

Five minutes later she was in my office

''hi Xavier, hi Lucas''

''hi Stella'' I and Lucas said in unison.

''so what is it?'' Stella asked and Lucas got an important phone call so he had to leave.

'' well some jerk is messing around with my computer system.''

''What will I get in return for helping you?''


''how much?'' she asked

''how much you want?''

''one billion''


''well I also want to be a billionaire. Besides I'm the one who is going to save your money from being stolen Mr. Billionaire.''

She is again right. She is the one saving my money from being stolen.



She made herself comfortable on my office chair looking like a small Queen on a giant chair.

''this is your laptop right.'' she wore her reading glasses which made her look like a hot nerd and started to work on it


''order five vanilla shakes for me I need it''

'' how can I forget your obsession to vanilla shake.?'' I said while ordering for it.

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