Chapter 1- "Happy birthday, Dee"

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Her white dress was flowing, resembling a calm steady river, though her blue eyes held the irreplaceable excitement of a thrashing sea.

His dark handsome brooding eyes could've made a lion cower away in fear, yet his genuine awe-filled smile could've lit up the whole world.

It was a perfect moment.

A small part of me inside melted when the bride and groom held onto each other as their lips met, and I silently cheered with the guests as they erupted in applause. I even saw a few people wiping away tears from their cheeks, while others couldn't stop smiling.

Suddenly, a subtle knock at the door of my room instantly pulled me out of my trance. Tearing my eyes away from the window, I met familiar gray ones that were paired with a mischievous smirk.

"Well well, aren't you creepy as hell, spying on some random human's wedding?" Dominic laughed, leaning against the door frame, his muscular build nearly taking up the entire thing.

"And what do you want?" I sneered at the 16 year old Beta. Even though he was so young, he indeed was an ideal co-leader of our small populated pack.

"Can't start a game of Wolf Hunt without our tiniest member," he said. "You up for it, runt?"

I didn't even blink as I darted past him and began rushing down the wooden stairs. I heard his raucous laughter behind me. I quickly sped past the young children playing in the narrow hallways, and carelessly dodged past some of the adults as well. I could hear them complaining about my reckless behaviour as usual.

Past the heavy chestnut coloured wooden doors, the fresh smell of wet grass greeted my nose. I smiled. I was finally outside. I took a deep breath of the cool, refreshing air and admired the beauty of the primeval forest around the packhouse. The thick sturdy trees densely covered the area, preventing anyone from accidentally stumbling into our territory. Not only was it crucial that none of the enemies got in, but humans were worse-- If they ever found a way in, they'd have to be killed instantly. Although it seemed harsh, it was important to keep our inner wolves a secret, or what the humans referred to as "werewolves".

A tingly feeling approached my feet and as I looked down at them, I chuckled, realizing that I had forgotten to wear shoes over the excitement.

Oh well, I thought, I don't even need them anyways.

I made my way to a thick oak tree, wide enough to cover my small body. I ducked behind it, quickly stripping off my clothes. My inner wolf got more and more eager to shift into our beautiful animal form, and howled happily as I heard the first snap of a bone.

I quickly pulled off my thin wired circular glasses, securing them safely underneath the clothing as the snapping became more consistent. My typically horrible eyesight sharpened and my muscles stretched out in ease, one of the most satisfying feelings ever.

Soon, a dark rust coloured patch of soft silky fur erupted and grew, into a thick coat around my body. I stood on all fours, my paws enjoying the soft soil. I inhaled the the empowering scent of the forest around me with my sharpened senses. It was all so surreal. I howled, letting my raspy wolf voice become clear. I sniffed out the pack, a crowd full of sweet summery scents and followed it.

I spotted a lean, golden wolf that was beautifully muscular. I crept up silently behind her, easily hidden through the larger wolves. Being a smaller wolf had its advantages, like hiding. I couldn't run as fast as some of the other wolves or was as strong as them, but honestly, it didn't bother me. Being teased wasn't a big deal, the whole pack was like a huge family who always teased one another.

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