Chapter 20- "You can't sleep in here, fucknuckle!"

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*Y'all better vote bc this chapter is JDSHFHFJDH (in other words, you're going to be shook)*

His voice was deep, tired, but downright miserable. He had texted me the address and now I was driving there as fast as I could. I was freaking out, wondering if he was okay.

No, of course he isn't, I thought, shuddering at the sound of his voice when he'd called me.

When I stopped at the address, I let out a deep breath. I sat there in confusion though; What the hell was Alex doing at a bar on the other side of town well past midnight?

It must've been because he had found out about Lucy.

I unlocked the truck's door instantly when my tired eyes caught sight of a tall frame, stumbling a familiar long brown coat. Alex staggered to the passenger seat and somehow managed to get in. He blinked at me a few times and then flashed me a pearly white smile, with a cheesy wink. He reeked of alcohol.

Shit. Holy motherfucking shit. Alex is drunk.

It was hard to believe that the mature, cool, and sweet Alex was intoxicated so heavily. But then again, he was 21 years old, not some 18 year old like me.

Yet it still felt weird while I started the truck's engine as he hummed a tune to himself, swaying in the seat. He started to twirl a strand of my hair in his slender fingers. What the hell would I possibly say to a drunk Alex?

"Your hair is really soft, Dest. H-Have you been using my shampoo?" He asked. I peered over at him and he genuinely looked confused as he inspected that strand of hair.

I held back a laugh and replied, "No, I have not been using your shampoo."

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah, I'm sure."

The drunk Alex didn't know what silence meant, contrary to his typical self. He was chatty and clearly acting like an idiot, which I thought was downright hilarious. I then decided to take the longer way home to get the most out of this once in a lifetime situation.

"So, where are we going?" Alex piped up, running a hand through his silky locks.

"Don't be an idiot, Alex," I chuckled.

We stopped at a red light and I cocked my head to look at him. He was smiling for no apparent reason which brought out his dimples. His forest green eyes were alive. He turned to look at me too and seemed to be studying me. Luckily, the green light flashed and I concentrated my stare back on the road again. He was still staring though. I could see from the corner of my eye that he was doing nothing to hide it.

"Hey, Dest?"


"If I told you a secret, would you tell the whole world?" He murmured softly.

I furrowed my eyebrows. "Um, I guess it depends on what it is."

"I'm losing my mind. . 'Cause I think that I just fell in love with you, girl."

I almost didn't stop the car at the next red light.

Out of nowhere, my heart started hammering wildly. Did he really just say that? He's drunk, I reminded myself. He's drunk.

"Wait a second," I muttered. "Were you singing the lyrics to 'I Will'?" I realized. My heart stopped beating like crazy, but another part of me was slightly disappointed. What the hell.

"You know, when I found out Lucy ditched me and was never gonna come back, I was upset," Alex drawled on. "But then I remembered there was still another girl I love."

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