Chapter 27- "Claw the guy's face out"

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- - - - - - - - -Dominic's P.O.V- - - - - - - - - -

I hadn't slept a second last night. It had consisted of me  wandering pointlessly throughout the empty dark halls. It had consisted of me taking gasps of air outside only to smell her scent, intoxicating my blood. It had consisted of me stepping into her room, careful not to touch anything but simply to observe it all. 

I had stepped out moments later, not able to handle the thoughts or memories that came crashing down on my mind with every little detail I'd taken in-- From the one creaky floorboard to her favourite black pens all the way to the pillows on her bed.

I hadn't let anyone occupy that room since she'd left. Luna Roberta had asked me specifically to clean it out so someone else could stay there. But every time I entered the room a wave of guilt and pain would wash over me. As the Beta back then, I knew I couldn't let something like this have control over me. Hence, I had locked her room and the Luna was so caught up in her own depression she didn't even care. 

As I stood in front of her door once again at the crack of dawn, my hands shook slightly as I unlocked it. I didn't go in though, yet remained standing.  Muted sunlight poured down on me through a nearby window, revealing soft tendrils of floating dust in the air. 

She's coming back, I thought for the thousandth time that week. She could be sleeping in this room once again tonight. 

With all my might, I turned away from the door and took a deep breath, being careful to mask any of my emotions. As the Alpha now, I had to keep everything together. No one could know how much I was really freaking out. 

I entered my large room and went straight to the bathroom, instantly grasping the faucet to release a stream of cold water. I splashed it over my face a few times and then glanced up in the mirror. Others would see a powerful Alpha with harsh gray eyes, chiseled features, and a sweep of dangerous black hair. What I saw was completely different though; a vulnerable 19 year old, with tired lifeless eyes surrounded by an aura of despair. 

A knock at the door shattered my thoughts. I quickly dried my face and straightened my shoulders before opening the door. 

In front of me stood Dylan, looking absolutely impatient. 

"What?" I groaned, roughly dodging past him.

"You know she'll be hear soon, right?" Dylan clucked, leaning against a wall. His blue eyes were filled to the brim with amusement, and I knew he wanted a reaction out of me. Luckily though, I kept my posture cool and lazily met his eyes in annoyance. 

"You know, I ran out of fucks to give a long time ago?" I replied sarcastically. 

He was unfaltered and continued to run his mouth.

"I can't wait to see everyone's favourite nerd ass who beat up the Alpha. I bet she still has those glasses and embarrassing t-shirts," Dylan chortled. 

As I faced my closet, pretending to observe a row of shirts to choose from, I almost sighed when I thought of that day. That had been her breaking point, her bottled up emotions had came out when she'd struck me across the face. And as I thought about it, I still felt like I could feel the pain across my cheekbone. I knew that I could win her over today, but there was a small doubtful crevice somewhere inside of me that kept replaying her face during that moment. Her light brown eyes were full of so much hate, eyes that haunted me constantly, that it made me wonder if she'd ever want me again.

"She didn't beat me up," I uttered, a flow of fake humour seeping through my voice. "I mean, she tried."

I wanted to strangle Dylan as he laughed behind me. 

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