Chapter 10- "Fallen in love with a library"

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After making it through the front doors of the pack and stumbling across a variety of different pack members, it was much easier for me to be able to breathe again and not be awkward. I was finally out in the open, inhaling the crisp and cold air which was so unlike the humid and warm atmosphere back home.

I had decided to not change into my wolf form so I could be familiar with this territory with my normal human senses. And after a peaceful and quiet walk through the snow filled forest, I found my way out easily. In no time, I was strolling through downtown and passed by a small convenience store, a bank, a few restaurants, and the coffee shop where Alex worked at. The most important building though, was the library.

The small town had a nice, rustic charm to it, with beautiful brick buildings, antique lampposts, and polished wood benches. It was like a place I'd always read in books, and with the careless snowflakes drifting around, it was even prettier in real life. I felt as though I was walking around in a giant picturesque snow globe.

It was incredible that of all of the places I could've ended up, I ended up here. Even though it was a huge change, I couldn't have been happier. I think a small and quiet town wintery town would do me some good.

The streets weren't too empty but they weren't too crowded either. I saw old couples strolling on the sidewalks as if it were a warm day. I saw young couples coming out of the coffee shop, looking content, hand in hand. I spotted wolves mischievously goofing around. I saw people going on with their day.

Whenever I passed by a wolf, they'd look me and instantly realize that I was someone new, obviously from a way different pack nowhere close to here. Aside from the fact that I was mesmerized by everything around me, they could tell by the colour of my eyes that I was new. I'd realized that majority of the Arctic wolves around here had cool eyes, in the brisk colours of blue, green, violet, and teal while my own eyes were a plain honey brown. But the other wolves just nodded at me and I felt strangely accepted.

That feeling of acceptance felt like a nice warm hug. I hadn't felt like this in a long time, and I embraced it. I'd learned that it was something to not take for granted.

When I made it to the library, I clutched the cold metal railing and cautiously pattered up the icy stone steps, being careful to not slip and fall on my face and shatter my glasses. Since it was a Tuesday, the library sign read that it would be closing at 8 PM. It was plenty of time to read and get back to the packhouse.

I heaved open the grand russet doors and stepped in. I smiled as I was washed in warmth and the smell of ink greeted my nose. It felt like home.

I observed the tremendously high ceilings, the plush gray carpet, and obviously the tall bookshelves. The walls were painted the most beautiful shade of olive green, and there were massive glass windows everywhere displaying the scenic streets and carrying in rays of sunlight. I had quite possibly fallen in love with a library.

"I can tell it's your first time here," laughed a kind, old voice. I swiveled around to see an elderly lady with fluffy gray hair and thin black circular glasses, almost similar to mine. Her large front desk proudly displayed a place card reading her name, "Mrs. Winchester, Head Librarian". I smiled at her.

"This library, it's. . ." I couldn't quite find a good enough word to describe it despite my massive vocabulary. "Just wow."

She laughed again, her hazel eyes filling with joy. 

"It makes me happy to see a young person so intrigued. Many of those youngsters are so caught up in their technological devices nowadays," sighed Mrs. Winchester, nodding her head. "I'm assuming you would like a library card?"

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