7: Dinner ( Part 1 )

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"Hey.. You look dashing.." As I looked him from top to bottom, it seemed like everything that he wore looked good on him. He was wearing full black, or should I say almost like a dark shade of grey formal dinner suit ( the pic above ), his dirty blonde hair was perfectly combed neatly, both of his eyes shining as he makes an eye contact with me. I felt shy all of a sudden. 

"Well... Uh.. You look absolutely stunning, chipmunk." He stutters as he looks at me. And suddenly, he broke into a grin and the next thing I did was asking him this. 

"Why are you smiling? Too pretty for you to handle?" I confidently questioned him as I look down at my dress. 

"Yea, I'll admit it. I am so glad that I picked you as my date." He said with sincerity and pure honesty. I wonder if he meant it though. I am still doubting myself if all of this was just a game to him, but if it's a game, I'm already playing it along anyway. It's not the first time I've done this. 

"Well, so who's your dat- Woah, Blake?" I forgot that my annoying brother was under the same roof as me. 
"Sup, dude." Both of them did the bro hug or whatever with the hands and fist bump shit which I don't get. I mean don't get me wrong, I did it with Layla too sometimes, but only her. Okay, I sound too pathetic. As they break away from their hug, Asher looked at me with his eyes that must've said that I have some explaining to do. But in actual fact, I won't tell him, he will get too protective of me again

"Ash, darling, don't you know how to mind your own business?" I said sarcastically but yet with a noble man's accent.

"Why, of course, Jade... I am just doing my duty to take care of my lovingly annoying sister." Asher said, mocking me. He's annoying, but I still love him to death.

"Alright, Asher. Do you mind if I take her now? We're gonna be late." Blake said with a deep yet husky voice, that actually made my knees go weak somehow. 

"Okay, okay. I'll let you two love birds go." He smirks as he's constantly poking me at my sides since it's my ticklish spot to embarrass me. I bit my lip from chuckling. Once I realized what he just said. 

"He's not my boyfriend!" Both me and Blake said at the same time. "She's not my girlfriend." 

Well, this is awkward. 

"Uh huh, I can see that now. Alright, go for the dinner now, kids. Bring her back in one piece, would you, Blake? " He said with a dangerously low voice when he asked Blake. Blake nodded and Asher out of sudden, pushed me out playfully and I almost fell. But Blake's hands managed to not let me fall by holding me by the waist, and our faces are so dangerously close to each other. And I took the chance to admire his face features, his eyes are still the one which caught my attention, those godly eyes that I can't read and won't stop admiring. I cleared my throat, and he let go of me as I awkwardly trying to fix my dress while looking around the neighborhood but not him. He touched his hair and fixed his suit as well, looking around but not me. 

This is awkward again. 

"Well, let's go. We don't wanna be late." He said, not looking at me, turning his back to his car. 

"Wait!" I shouted before he reaches his car. 

And he looked at me, with a look that's questioning me why I asked for him.

"Before you try to do anything, please don't ever do any cheesy things such as opening the door for me?" I said as I play with the rings that I wore on my fingers. 

He smiles at me amusingly and said, " Well, I almost did it. Thanks for telling me. You're so different than I thought." 

I shrugged my shoulders. "A good or a bad different?" 

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