Chapter 3: Pigeon

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Free of his immobilizing crush on Emma, Brett made his way to the other side of the platform. People walked to where he had just been standing, and he watched as they began colliding with the passengers still getting off the train.

Brett didn't watch for long as he started to rush across the platform while all of the potential obstructions were on the other side. He led the pack before he swung the farthest door away from everyone open and entered. As always the escalator had a line up going to it, while the stairs remained entirely empty. Walking past the line of people, he couldn't help but glare at them with disgust.

"God damn sheep." He said.

Brett was the only one at the stairs as he looked back over at the crowded escalator, noticing that they were all shoulder to shoulder, breathing on each other's neck as they still waited for the escalator to reach the top.

Again Brett kept to himself as he maneuvered around the snaking line of lost souls and up the first step of the stairs, in no time he was at the top as the people he got off the train with were still at the bottom. Looking at them for a moment, he shook his head in disappointment before heading out the door and over the flyover to the other side of the street where the buses would soon be arriving.

Getting to the bottom, Brett hopped up on the metal railing, sitting on the top bar and resting his legs on the centre. He could watch everything that was happening and spot buses before anyone else.

A few minutes passed as Brett sat alone in the dark, the howling blizzard was only thing trying to talk to him. All the other soon to be passengers were still up in the station doing their best to stay warm, but Brett wasn't like them he was on a different mission. He always tried to adapt to the weather, to become the superior human in certain situations. This was one of those times, as he watched the others press themselves up against the glass trying to see any coming buses.

In the distance, a set of headlights with a fully lit interior peaked it's head around the corner a couple blocks away. Brett thought he had the advantage, but someone above must have seen it too since a large crowd was starting to race down the staircases like an avalanche. Then like a flash flood, a sea of people was in front of Brett as he continued to look over all of their heads.

However, a familiar face popped up out of the crowd, almost like gopher once then twice. The young man had brown hair long enough to cover his whole face like a wedding veil. It was tricky, but his eyes could just be seen on the other side. After a couple more hops, he finally stopped bouncing and raised a hand into the air as he approached Brett, while a huge smile went from ear to ear across the boy's face.

"What's up my dude?" The boy asked. 

The boy was typically referred to as Pigeon. Brett had never learned the boy's real name but also didn't care since Pigeon liked the nickname, always responding to it with a coo. However, over the last couple of months, Brett realized that Pigeon had got his name because he was loyal to his friends and could get any information you needed, and he was friends with everyone.

"What's up, man?" Brett replied.  

Pigeon stood right beside him and held out a fist, Brett acknowledged the gesture doing the same thing with his hand, as they fist bumped. Only as their knuckles met, the bus everyone had been waiting for had just pulled up in front of them. Pigeon oblivious to what Brett knew began to walk to the bus, and almost entered the flowing crowd, before looking back at Brett.

He was still perched on the railing, observing the situation, as the snow continued to cover him. Before pigeon got too deep, he walked back to Brett, giving him a curious look then turned back to the crowd only to realize that any chance of getting a good seat was gone. With no other option, Pigeon turned his attention back to Brett.

"Dude, why aren't you taking the bus? We're not going to get a seat at this rate." Pigeon asked.

Brett looked down at him like a wise old man, as if pulling from a fountain of endless knowledge. He pointed away from himself, as Pigeon's eyes follow his finger. Down the street, another bus had crept around the corner, and all the other passengers were utterly oblivious to it. When this second bus turned the corner, Brett hopped off the railing and merged into the crowd going against its current.

For a brief moment, Brett swore he could see Emma's face as she and two of her friends were deep in conversation, walking past them and heading for the first bus. Brett didn't have the guts to interrupt them and let her go as he continued to drag Pigeon through everyone.

They could see the light at the end of the tunnel, well more like a headlight but a light none the less. Breaking free, the two boys were the only ones waiting for the second bus when the front door of the vehicle pulled up right in front of them.

The doors opened, and the boys got on, making their way to the back of the bus they each took a seat across from each other. Pigeon scanned the aisle of the bus, and it was still completely empty except for the odd strangler here and there.

"Dude nice call." He said.

"Thanks, it also comes with the added bonus of leg room." Brett joked.

The two of them then slid down the seats stretching out as far as they could over the aisle, then chit-chatted about all of life's woes, in an attempt to fill the time while they waited to get to the school. The boys only ended up talking for a bit until Pigeon fell asleep, leaving Brett alone to watch as the other vehicles passed around the iron beast.

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