Chapter 14: Vengeance

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Finally the daylight cracked through the silver overcast sky ending the gloomy weather streak that the world was having, Brett had just gotten to the school and finished hanging out with the Republic before walking into his favourite class that he had every morning.

Bailey was already sitting down in her usual spot, the light wasn't reflecting through the window like it usually did, she just seemed human today. He looked around the rest of the room, and realized that they were the only two in it, looking down at his watch, he realized that he was still a few minutes earlier even after hanging out with the boys. Before he could even take another step however, Bailey detected his presence as she lifted her head and looked over at him. He gave her a slight wave, trying not to intrude on whatever she was doing, only to have her gesture for him to come over and sit with her.

He hesitated as he remembered what Emma had said the day before about sitting together, but he was in a bit of a bind, not sure what Bailey would do if he didn't sit with her now. With no other choice he walked over to Bailey waiting for any sign of life to come through that door and stop him, but no one came.

Brett's hand hits the seat as he prayed to hear someone walk in, however yet again it was silent as Bailey looked up at him with anticipation. He pulled the seat out finally giving into his destiny and sat down, beside him the picture Bailey had been drawing in her notebook was covered by her arm before being flipped over to a blank page.

During the flip though, Bailey staggered giving Brett a quick glance at what was drawn on it. He was sure that there were hearts all over the page with handwritten names in some of the hearts, trying to pretend like he didn't see anything though he turned his attention to his backpack as he slid it under the table, before turning to face her.

"Good morning beautiful."

As if she had never heard the words, Bailey's' eyes lit up and her cheeks turned a light pink shade as she giggled a little. Brett was also a little surprised that he said it, but felt that that was what Bailey was waiting to hear after her performance last night.

"So I take it you liked the picture I sent you last night?"

"I can honestly say that has never happened to me before."

The awkward joke flew over Bailey's head as she rustled around with the papers in front of her before finally looking back at him.

"Awe Brettykins you're blushing. Seriously though Emma never sent you pictures like that before," Her cheeks were an even brighter red, as she knew she had just one upped Emma. "To be honest though I was a little drunk last night, but I don't do it very often just occasionally. However I do remember what I asked you."

Brett's heart skipped a beat, as he knew exactly what she was expecting to see. Bailey's hand fell in front of her gesturing for Brett's phone as if she knew the picture would be on there. Brett was once again backed into a corner as he showed her, his phone with the picture opened up.

"Good boy, Brettykins. There might be more to come if you'd like."

He knew that it wasn't if he liked, everything was on Bailey's accord. He tried to change the subject as she kept looking at his phone.

"I mean I guess if you're sober next time that'd be cool."

What was he getting himself into, they were only seventeen and Bailey already had access to alcohol. It clicked in his mind as he started to wonder if Bailey's actions were true or just a lustful byproduct of the drink, suddenly the bell rang and people started to pour into the classroom.

After about ten people walked into the room, Brett could make out Emma's blonde hair as she broke through the crowd to where her and Brett had sat the day before. Immediately she noticed his absence and looked up to see him sitting beside Bailey. His face was covered in guilt as Bailey had something evil planned.

"How about we make this seating arrangement permanent Brett."

Before he could comprehend what she had just said, Bailey rose from her seat. Brett's phone with the picture of Bailey was a still on the screen as she walked over to Emma. Doing her best to glare Bailey down, Bailey wasn't phased as she simply raised the phone to Emma's eye line and gave it a few seconds to process what it was.

The next thing he knew he was once again at fault for making Emma tear up. She looked at him with such defeat before walking over to the group of girls she had spent yesterday's class with. He couldn't believe it, he had betrayed Emma yet again for this new girl was he really that stupid.

Bailey returned to Brett putting the phone on the desk in front of him, before taking her seat. He struggled to find anything to say to her, as Mrs. Conrad finally entered the room.

"Alright class I'll be handing back your essays today and after we will be doing a personality analysis."

Their warden of a teacher started handing back the essays, saving Bailey's and Brett's for last because they were the closest to her desk.

"Here you go you two."

The two thank her in unison only to get a smile from her before she finally reached her desk and prepared the next assignment. Brett looked down at the paper noticing the semi decent mark and not being to bothered with it as he slid it into his binder. Bailey on the other hand crumpled the essay into a ball and put it in her bag, mumbling something aggressive.

"Are you okay?"

"Yea just a bad mark is all."

It seemed like a bit of an over reaction on Bailey's part if it truly was just a failed assignment, but his thought was interrupted as Mrs. Conrad took front and centre once more.

"Alright class take out a piece of paper and get ready to follow along."

The two of them both pulled out a piece of paper and started following Mrs. Conrad's instructions as they filled out the quiz. The assignment concludes twenty minutes later as Bailey looks disheartened at the alleged results.

"Well this was a waste of time, none of these traits match me at all."

"Really? Because some of mine match kinda."

Bailey was already crumpling up the paper into another ball, as the two sat quietly. Brett was scared to say anything in case he triggered her again and set her off. The only thing that blew through the silence was the bell ending the class. Brett wanted the silence to end as he started to pick up his stuff, preparing to high tail it out of there. While Bailey still sat staring forward in silence as if Brett's presence didn't even phase her.

It finally became time to get away as Brett headed for the door, only to see Emma also heading toward it as well, their paths were own a collision course. A hopeless smile was on Emma's face, he knew he had to say something, if only he didn't look back.

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