Chapter 18: The Kiss

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A couple days passed as Brett's interaction with his friends began to lack as he only saw those he has classes with. He hadn't seen the Republic in days. He sat with Bailey everyday in english giving Emma the cold shoulder, in return felt that Mike had failed and it was almost time for her to move on.

She permanently found a spot on the other side of the classroom placing herself as far away from Brett as she could. Brett himself was slowly starting to become the lone wolf at lunch, walking by himself or finding a quiet corner to combat his thoughts. The biggest change though was the amount of time he now spent with Bailey, instead of Emma. He was sure that she probably hated him and that's why he stuck it out with Bailey unaware that Emma would occasionally look at him, praying to see him looking back but it never happened.

His computer science class was becoming more frustrating too, as he worked through the final project with Cam and Pigeon. Nothing positive was in his life, or it didn't seem that way at least. When the bell rang to end class, Brett just walked out the door not looking back, and began taking another bus route all together so he didn't have to potentially see Emma or Mike when he got off.

Finally one day Emma had had enough, she couldn't pray to see Brett looking at her. She had to know what Mike had said to him. Mike was at his locker taking out some books for class, as Emma walked over. He closed the locker to see Emma standing on the other side of the metal door.


Mike looked at the girl, not sure why she was there.

"So did you talk to him?"

She knew the answer she wanted but deep down knew what she was about to get.

"I tried but he wouldn't listen, I'm sorry."

With a weak grin he left it at that as he walked past her. She turned to look at him before a frustrated sigh escaped her. She dug around in her purse until she pulled out a little stick of ruby red lipstick. It was the colour that would make a statement, as she applied it she could feel everyone looking. Power was running through her veins.

Never get a man to do a woman's job. Emma thought to herself as she snapped the lid back on the elegant stick and put it back in her purse, before walking down the hallway with a confident swagger. The boys all looked at her as their jaws dropped to the floor, she was on a mission to get what was hers.

Outside, Brett sat alone on the the bus, a weird rain storm had water running down the windows. It was weird become they were having a weird mix of rain and snow and were nearing spring. The light ding rings out around the bus, as it stopped in front of the school. The doors open as Brett stepped out, thanking the driver in the process. He headed up the school ramp joining the sea of students as another lost soul, the rain had pretty much soaked him by this point as his black hoodie started to droop.

Trying to maneuver around the slow students, Brett tried to get to some shelter and out of the rain until he was about halfway up the ramp and the sea of students seemed to part around something as he got closer. A figure in a black hoodie was facing the other way on the ramp creating an obstruction, their blonde hair fell past the hood of their jacket, which was relatively soaked.

As he got closer he realized it was Emma, The red lipstick was striking to see, captivating everyone's attention, but only one person was going to experience it.


The girl didn't respond, he eyes covered up by the hood. Instead she wraps her arms around Brett's neck pulling his body over as she pressed her lips against his. She doesn't let the moment end as she makes sure that it's embedded into Brett's memory for the rest of his life.

Was this what love felt like? Brett wrapped his arms around Emma. As there faces remained pressed together. Until Emma finally pulled away and stared into his eyes. She smiled realizing that she had transferred the lipstick on to his lips tagging him, making him, hers. Blinking a couple times, Emma got lost in his eyes as the rain continued to pour on them, finally with a flirtatious smile she gave him a quick peck on the lips before winking at him and drops her hands away from his to walk back into the school.

What was that about? He mumbled to himself as he headed into the school, on the verge of being late. The bell rang almost immediately as he entered the school, he heads straight for the english class unable to shake the thought of what just happened.

He entered into the classroom his hoodie drenched by the rain, looking straight into the room Bailey is staring out the window as the rain taps against it. He walked up to his seat and put the soaked hoodie on the back of the chair.


"Do you ever wish you could just leave this place."

It wasn't everyday that Bailey started a conversation with a philosophical question, when she did it usually meant something depressing or troubling was on her mind. He didn't even question her anymore.

"Sometimes, not today though its raining pretty hard out there."

The rain was almost mesmerizing as the two of them were attracted to the outside world.

"Yea I guess."

Brett pulled himself away from the window and looked over to the other side of the room at Emma. Unfortunately she was distracted by the other girls in her group. Mrs. Conrad walked into the room and addressed the class.

"As you all know we are coming up to the end of the semester, so today will be a free period to catch yourselves up on any unfinished assignments."

She returned to her desk as Bailey continued to stare out the window, oblivious to what Mrs. Conrad had said. Brett finishes writing up his assignments before putting a hand on Bailey's shoulder, distracted for most of the class. He was starting to get concerned about her.

"Hey are you okay?"

"Actually I'm not feeling that good, I think I'm going to go home."

She was reluctant to look at Brett.

"Oh okay then."

Brett removes his hand from her shoulder and looks back at his paper, finally Bailey turns away from the window and looks at him.

"Do you want to walk me home?"

Looking back at Bailey, he noticed the rain slowly stop outside. Could she be serious did she actually want him to take her home, but there was always Emma, especially now after what happened that morning.

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